Cold Hands - (AU)

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Reader POV


It was the winter fair in town, and because I was bored, I decided to go with Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner.

We were walking there, because it was just in the next road down, maybe a two or three minute walk at most.

Walking along the dark streets of our town, only lit by lampposts producing a fiery orange glow. We were all quite cold, we didn't expect it to be this cold, but it was.

Annie had offered me her yellow scarf, and I accepted, she wrapped it around me and it was quite nice, and warm too. She walked next to me as we were walking to the festival too, almost never leaving my side. I found it a little odd, her cheeks were red for some reason too and Reiner and Bertholdt were silently snickering. Annie heard a few times and glared at the two of them. Though I mostly dismissed it and walked with Annie, which made her smile.

     As we walked closer to the fair, the loud music and chattering became the sound, as bright lights invaded our view. We saw people together, walking around and enjoying themselves.

     We entered the fair, it wasn't like you needed to pay to get in or anything, it was a fair so it was free. We walked around the different stalls where people hosted games or sold items. The four of us played a few games, well...... me, Reiner and Bertholdt did, for the life of me I didn't know what they were called but we had fun. Though Annie wasn't the one for games or such, me and the others convinced her to play a game, I think she broke a world record or something, but she gained a cute small teddy bear out of it.

She gave the bear to me with pink cheeks, I noticed she was twitching a little too from the cold, just slightly shivering.

I take the yellow scarf off, and wrap it around Annie's neck, "I'm warm now, and it looks like you need it more than me, thanks for the scarf." I smile. Her eyes widen just slightly and though I couldn't see it because she brought her scarf up to her face, she was beet red and smiling.

We continued walking around the fair, and we ran into Eren, Armin and Mikasa.

"Hey Y/N!" Eren greets with a toothy smile, Armin and Mikasa just wave at us.

"Hey guys, you're here too?" I smile and ask.

"Yep, we've only just got here." Armin replies. I nod in acknowledgment.

I noticed Mikasa glaring at someone, I turn my head to see Annie standing next to me, glaring back at her.

"Do you want to go around together?" Bertholdt asks. We all nod, apart from Annie. She didn't seem the happiest.

"Where should we go first?" Eren asks as he looks around. The fair was pretty big to be fair. Haha...... s-sorry......

"I know a few things you'll come. Follow me." Reiner says as he waved at us to follow him.

We all nod and begin following him, I notice Annie was still at my side, though when I looked to my other side, Mikasa was now beside me.

Great, I had to people who hated each other either side of me. If they start a fight then I'm not coming out alive.

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