Final Moments - (Canon)

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"While we're out, it will only be the small group of us. This is extremely risky and will take days, but we are to find civilisation outside of the Walls, any sign possible." Hange reiterates the objective.

The Special Operations Squad was meeting in the conference room for their next move after the reclamation of Wall Maria. After the passing of Erwin, Hange became the new Scout Commander.

"I've picked all of you for this mission because I truly believe you are all humanities hope. You all have the skill and capabilities for this, and you all deserve it." The new Commander compliments the Squad.

"The mission is next wee-" Hange is quickly interrupted by a Garrison guard running through the door......

"The Titans have breached Wall Rose! It's Reiner and the Beast, and they're accompanied by three other Titan-shifters!"

Everyone's eyes widen, and they immediately rise from their seats, knowing exactly what to do.

They run to the equipment store and put on their ODM as fast as they can. They collect their gear and stock up on resources.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice call to them, but without their coldness, and more worry in her voice.

"Mikasa." Y/N turns to face them. They were less than a foot away from each other. A tinted hue reaches both of their cheeks at the closure.

"If you're in trouble. Find me." She says sternly. Y/N nods.

"Of course, I promise." Y/N says seriously as they look deep into the ravenette's eyes.

She slowly and awkwardly grabs their hand, their fingers grazing each other at first, before Mikasa curls her fingers around their hand and gives it a light squeeze. A big blush deepening her cheeks and her heart flutters.

Y/N quickly becomes flustered, immense heat rising to their cheeks as their orbs widen. Their heart skips many beats and pounds faster, but with a simple interaction who would've thought it could make someone feel such a way.

"Stay safe, please." She says almost to a whisper, but it can be heard by Y/N.

"Y- Yeah, y- you too Mikasa." They stammer, with a blush tinting their cheeks.

Mikasa smiles lightly, the first she has smiled in awhile, and she slowly, and reluctantly lets go of Y/N's hand. Before beginning to walk away.

Y/N was left with a sad smile, they didn't want Mikasa to leave, but they know there are a lot more important matters. They finish up collecting their gear and head out.

     "Where is the breach?!" Levi demands, running to mount his horse.

     "In Trost!" The Garrison soldier replies. Everyone's eyes widen, Eren had plugged the hole in Trost, how could they move that massive boulder? But no questions were asked as that was all Levi Squad needed to hear before mounting their steeds and riding out as fast as they could.

     They travel fast, and in a few minutes they could spot Titans in the distance, causing chaos and taking away the lives of humans as they invaded the small farms on the outskirts of Trost. They urge their horses to ride faster towards the danger.

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