See Ya Later Alligator...... - Male! Reader (AU)

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     Little Y/N was playing on the swings in the playground with the other kids, as a rambunctious six year old he loved going outside to play.

Then, a little girl came along. She looked the same age of young Y/N. She had raven hair, and dark grey orbs. She wore a pink cardigan and white dress underneath and wore a red scarf around her neck, but despite her clothes, she didn't look friendly. Everyone looked at her, and they seemed scared. They backed away from her as she sat down on the swing next to Y/N, her head hanging low.

Y/N notices that everyone has ran away, them two were the only ones in the park. Y/N gets off the swing and walks in front of her.

"Hi, what's your name?" The young boy asks, he tilts his head slightly as he looks at the young girl.

She releases a small gasp, she slowly looks up to face the boy, "M- Mikasa......" She brings the scarf up to cover the lower half of her face.

"Nice to meet you Mikasa, I'm Y/N." He sticks his hand out and smiles.

Her eyes widen, she stares at the hand for a moment, before reaching out to shake it, "Nice to meet you...... Y/N." She says quietly.

"Do you want me to push you?" The boy asks. A pink tint reaches the ravenette's cheeks as she just about nods. The boy runs around and begins pushing her on the swing, quite lightly, not very hard because little Y/N wasn't exactly the strongest.

The two kids carried on playing in the park until Y/N had to go, they did a lot, go down the slide, Mikasa pushed Y/N on the swings, they played tag and they learnt a lot about each other.

"I have to go in now. It's getting dark." The boy says, tired from today.

"Me too." The girl replies.

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Y/N asks with a smile.

"Yeah, okay." She nods. Y/N's smile widens.

"Okay! See ya later alligator!" Y/N says joyfully as he exits the park and runs down the street.

The ravenette slowly exits the park, "See you later, alligator." She mutters softly, she begins to walk back to her house.


Young Y/N was still, young, the age of twelve. Him and Mikasa became best friends over the six years, and he came over to visit almost every day.

"Hey Mikasa!" The energetic boy greets the introverted ravenette as he enters her bedroom. He noticed her bedroom seemed a little bit bare than normal, there wasn't much furniture or whatnot, but he didn't question it. Maybe Mikasa felt a need for a change in her room.

"Hey Y/N." She smiles softly. She was sitting on her bed, doing nothing in particular.

"How was your day?" Y/N asks as he climbs onto Mikasa's bed and sits beside her.

"Fine. Nothing really happened." The ravenette looks down and fiddles with her hands.

"Are you sure? You don't seem fine." The boy tilts his head as he gains suspicions of his best friend hiding something.

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