We're Even Now - (AU)

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Reader POV


     "And that sums up class for today, pack your things and you may go. Have a good weekend guys." My teacher says as he slumps down in his chair.

     Many release a sigh of relief, we all begin to pack our things and exit the classroom, fortunately Mr. Isayama likes to end class early so we get to go home a little earlier. And it was a Friday! Amazing!

I exit the classroom, saying goodbye to my classmates as I exit, and navigating through the soon to be busy corridors of the school towards the entrance of the school.

I exit the school, walking out through the car park and waiting on the other side, the view of white is covering everything. There certainly is a lot of snow. It's December, and we've been blessed with snow. Though cold, it was a nice change. I shiver and tighten the white scarf around me to warm me up more.

I wait in the chilling cold, I usually wait for my friends, I wait across the car park. While all the other pupils pass me, to catch their buses, to catch a ride or walk home. I'm gonna be doing the latter.

A minute or two passes, I notice Eren and Armin in the crowd, they notice me and walk over. I give them a smile and greet them "Hey guys." I could see they were cold too. Armin was shivering like crazy. While Eren was trying to hide the fact he was cold.

     "Hey Y/N!" They both greet. I smile and we all begin to walk together. The snow crunching beneath our feet, and leaving footprints behind.

"I wish I could be in my futon......" Armin shivers, his pearly whites clattering together in coldness. Me and Eren both chuckle.

"It's not that cold Armin." Eren shrugs. He was really trying to make it seem like he wasn't all that cold.

"Well let's get home quicker! The feeling of warmth only makes me colder." I begin to up my pace. The other two follow.

One feeling of warmth I wish I could have, is Mikasa's......

Me and Mikasa have been going out for two years. And it's safe to say, she's the most perfect person who's ever walked into my life. And right now, I wish I could have her warmth. Because oh my God it's fucking freezing.

     Oh yeah...... thinking of Mikasa, "Why wasn't Mikasa in today? She hasn't said anything to me." I ask, mainly to Eren. Mikasa was Eren's adopted sister. So they lived together.

     "I'm not sure. She was still asleep when I woke up. Which is a bit unusual for her. Normally she's at my throat with a slipper if I wake up late." He shrugs and chuckles.

     "She's probably fine. It's Mikasa. When is she ever not fine?" Armin asks rhetorically.

     "I guess...... I'll give her a call after anyway." I sigh and shove my hands in my coat pockets. Looking down at the pavement while walking. I can't help but feel a little anxiety, she's rarely like that.

     "I know you love her Y/N, I know you're worried. I doubt it's anything. I'll ask her when I get home and I'll text you about it." Eren reassures.

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