Better Than Food - Sasha! (Canon)

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Thank you Potato Girl! 🥔

Mikasa x Sasha!


     "M- Mikasa, can I- can I have the rest of your food? I- If you want to...... of course." Sasha shyly asks the ravenette, who nearly had an empty plate. She was a little nervous since the last time Sasha asked her for food, Mikasa ended up tricking her.

Mikasa only stares at the plate, before pushing it across the table over to Sasha. The girl gleams with happiness, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

She begins munching down the food like no tomorrow, leaving no scraps behind. Mikasa and others watched in awe at how fast she ate.

"Hey Sasha! Do you want my food?" Jean suddenly asks from another table, he was looking at the clock for some reason, though Sasha paid no attention to it, food was all she needed to hear, the brunette quickly nods her head with a mouth stuffed with food, Jean then comes over and gives Sasha his remaining food.

"You know what, you can have my food too Sasha." Marco comes over and hands Sasha his food.

More and more people started to give Sasha their food, and she was amazed, the food just didn't stop coming. She ate everyone's food in a matter of minutes.

She finally finishes, "That was....... soooooo good." Sasha puts her head on the table and burps.

Suddenly the door to the canteen opens, "Lunch was over five minutes ago! I don't know how you dumbasses have forgotten, but now your punishment is a five mile run!" Keith Sadies commands.

Sasha's eyes widen with dread, she had to run five miles, with a very, very full stomach. She could barely stand up properly without wanting to puke. She then realises why Jean was looking at the clock...... uh oh......

The Cadets then shuffle out of the canteen and towards the course to run, daring to not complain as the Commandment would most definitely punish them further, all but Sasha, who struggles to walk straight and walks as if she's constipated.

"Sasha Braus! Why are you not joining the Cadets?!" The Commander yells in her face.

"I ate everyone else's food Sir! Therefore my stomach lacks the space needed to run five miles." She salutes.

     "Boo hoo your stomach is full! I don't give two shits Braus, get out there and run with the rest of your comrades!" Keith Sadies yells.

     "Yes Sir!" She says before hurriedly rushing out of the canteen and running to catch up with the others.

     She feels like she's about to puke, all of the food she ate slowly coming up and ready to be vomited.

     However, she somehow manages to catch up with the others who were standing around and waiting for Sadies, and as they all saw Sasha running full speed at them, they knew it wasn't going to end well.

     "Hey guys! I made i-" Suddenly the girl doubles over and gives in, she pukes all of the consumed food she ate in the past ten minutes.

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