Cutting Edge - Self Harm! Mikasa (AU)

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This chapter contains content and demonstration of self harm right off the start!

This is probably bad. I don't do great things ha. I don't have good ideas, I've kinda struggled with the end of this oneshot, but hey ho.

I am so sorry this is the first oneshot in over a month!!


"Ahh...... *Hiss* *Wheeze* *Pant* *Pant* Ah- Ah......"

The only sounds in the empty girls bathroom were the sharp pants and hisses that belong to a junior college student, a ravenette, who was in an act of pleasure and pain.

The sensation of blood leaking out of the newly open wound and traverse her porcelain skin, and drip onto the tiled blue bathroom floor met the ravenette's satisfaction, but she wasn't done, she was eager for more, in fact - she craved for more.

She brings her right hand to her left wrist, and pokes the skin with a small, sharp silver pocket knife, until it pierces her delicate skin and she winces as pain erupts through her nervous system.

The stinging feeling made her feel good, she brings the knife down further, and across her wrist, slowly, and steadily, adding more pain and blood to draw through the self inflicted cut.

She smiles through a pained expression, she enjoyed this, though she knew it was bad for her, she couldn't help her addiction. The feeling of releasing that pain dwelling inside, it made her feel better, no matter how much it hurt.

     She places the knife in her left hand, and brings it to her right wrist, about to repeat the same action she has done a hundred times. She presses the knife against her wrist, waiting for the sensation of the metallic object coated in a light layer of crimson piercing through the soft layer of white skin.

Suddenly a loud ringing sound resembling that of a bell loudly fills the empty bathroom. Indicating the end of lunch break, and the start of class.

She is brought back to earth by the sound, and she realises the river of tears flowing down her cheeks, dripping beneath her chin and mixing with the small splattered droplets of blood on the floor.

She sighs, before cleaning her hands and grabbing black wrist tape from her hands, she wraps her left wrist, and moves onto her right, wrapping her wrists in a black wrist tape, she turns her wrist over so that her backhand is facing her, a black inked tattoo facing her in the face. An emblem with three sharp and curved swords in the formation of a triangle, inside a circle. She frowns, before wrapping her right wordier. Then cleaning the knife and placing it in a small wrap inside her bag, and uses tissues to clean up the spill of her blood and tears on the floor. Before disposing of them in the toilet and flushing it.

She rolls her sleeves down and wipes her eyes and the stray tears with the familiar fabric of the school uniform. Before she stands up, and unlocks the bathroom stall door. Exiting her usual spot for releasing pain, and blood.

She quickly glances at the mirror and fixes up her face with a wash of cold water, the splashes of water hitting her face refreshed her, but her reflection in the mirror hated her, she frowns, awful thoughts infecting her mind, Why do you carry on living? What good are you for the world? How much of a nuisance are you? What did you cause?! Who died at your hands!

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