Merry Christmas [2] - (AU)

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Reader POV


   "Oi, brats. Wake up." The ravenette scoffs.

     I feel a warm breath reach my cheek, and a tight grip around my right arm.

     My eyes lids slowly slit open, I quickly notice that I'm not in the living room, but in fact in Mikasa's bedroom, and speaking of Mikasa, she was sleeping soundly next to me, lightly snoring as she wraps onto my arm. I can also make out the dark figure of Levi standing in the doorway.

     "Levi? Uhh, what time is it?" I groan and yawn. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes with my free arm.

     "Time for you to open up your shitty presents." He replies, my eyes widen and a smile crosses my face with sudden excitement.

     I turn to Mikasa, about to wake her. But I notice how peacefully she's sleeping, and I know for a fact she doesn't sleep well often. My excitement suddenly fades as I turn back to Levi, "Let her sleep a little first."

     "Tch, she could use the sleep after how rough you both were last night, I could hear you from my room." Levi smirks before leaning off of the doorframe and walking away.

     My eyes widen and I sit up, careful not to wake Mikasa, "W- Wha- Levi!" I whisper shout, but to no avail. My cheeks tint pink and I become flustered, looking at Mikasa I try to recall what happened last night.

     "We didn't do it did we?" I furrow my brows in a thinking expression. I didn't think it was possible, unless I just suffer from extreme memory loss, in that case- wait, what did I say?

Sighing, I lay back down, and pull the blankets over the two of us further, trying to capture any warmth possible. I snuggle closer to her, facing her and inches away from each other.

I close my eyes in a resting state, not one of sleep, Levi saying that we had sex woke me up a little already, and I didn't feel like I needed any sleep either.

I lay in silence, a view of ever changing patterns in my imagination, the sound of her cute soft snores, and the delicate touch of her clasped hand on mine.

A bit of time past. And it was when I least expected it, that a soft pair of smooth lips were gently pressed against mine. My eyes open to see Mikasa kissing me.

"Merry Christmas Y/N." She smiles as she pulls away.

"Merry Christmas Mikasa." I smile back.

"Do you want to open our presents?" I ask her dumbly, knowing full well what the answer was. An excited smile spreads across her face.

"Of course, idiot." She giggles and pecks my lips once more. We both then pull the covers off and get out of bed. We both stretch and she yawns before we both trod our way downstairs.

     "Hey, Mikasa." I begin, cheeks flushed. She looks at me with raised brows, "We uh, didn't do anything last night did we?" I chuckle awkwardly and scratch the back of my neck.

     "Like what?" She tilts her head.

     "Like...... like banged?" I say, flustered.

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