Sleepy - (AU)

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Sorry for no updates in awhile! I've realised I'm not writing as much as I use to, though that's mainly because of school.

Unfortunately this is a really short one, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Thank you!

Reader POV


     "Mikasa, it's late, come to bed. You've done enough." I sit up on the bed, yawning and wiping my eyes.

     "I'm sorry, I really need to finish this." Her voice comes softly from the other side of the room where a small light emits from, glowing where as the rest of the room was dark and no light emitted from outside the windows in the pitch black sky.

     I glance over to her, she sat on a stool, leaning against the desk for support as she held her pen in hand. A small lamp lit on the desk to provide light.

     I sigh and lazily roll out of bed, I trot over to Mikasa and grab another stool, settling it behind hers, I then sit down on the stool, so she was sat in front of me. I rest my chin on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her waist, as if we were riding a horse and I grabbed her for safety.

     I look at her hand which held the pen as it glides across the page tiredly and lazily, she was just as tired as me.

     "I think that can sleep now, you've done enough for tonight Mikasa," I kiss her cheek, she doesn't even reply as she continues writing in her book, "Please, Mikasa?"

     She stops briefly, setting the pen on the page crookedly, "Can we stay like this? You're warm." She lays one of her hands on my hands which rested on her stomach. She then begins to rest her head against mine. I nod and snuggle Mikasa for warmth. We stay like that for a good few minutes, embracing each other for comfort and warmth.

     "I'm so tired......" Mikasa mumbles, her breathing slowly begins to lighten as her eye lids feel heavy.

     "You should sleep, come to bed." I mumble.

She takes a moment to think about it, "I really need to finish this, I'm sorry Y/N." She leans forward slightly and sets her hand back on the page, her pen leaving a trail of blacked ink as it carelessly travels across the lines paper.

"Then I'm staying like this until you're finished then. So we can go to bed together, I feel bad for leaving you here." I sigh.

     "That's fine. You're comfy anyway." Mikasa mumbles.

     I close my eyes, as all I can hear is the light scribbles of Mikasa's writing, and also her light, calm breaths.

     Staying like that for awhile, I notice that the sound of the scribbles have diminished, it's then I hear the sound of a light object thudding against paper, and the old sounds of breaths were much lower and quieter.

     I open my eyes, to see Mikasa's hand blankly resting on the desk, her hand was positioned in a way which made it seem like she was holding a pen, however the pen she was holding has fallen on the pages of the paper.

     I notice her head slightly slouched down, her beautiful raven hair covering most of her face.

     I smile to myself, finally I get to cuddle with Mikasa.

     "Come on sleepyhead, let's go to bed." I gently pull my hands away from Mikasa's stomach, and stand up, I run off the desk lamp, and I carefully and gently pick Mikasa up, and carry her over to the bed, where I gently place her down with care.

     I climb into bed with her, and pull the covers over the both of us, I wrap my arms around the sleeping ravenette and hold her tight.

     "Goodnight Mikasa."


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