Valentine - (AU)

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     It was Valentine's Day. And there was a Valentine event in school, where you would write your name on the front of a piece of card or paper and hang it on a board for the day. And whoever liked you, could write their phone number on the back of your card, so you got their number, but you wouldn't know who it was.

You could then call them and find out who they are, or you could just simply throw the card in the bin because you got no ones number *cough* JEAN *cough* N- Nothing.

You took part in the event because why not? It was your last year in High school. You also could only write to your numbers on the cards of people in your year too, to avoid freshman from trying to get it on with the seniors.

You had pinned your card into a board in a random hallway of the school, where everyone else's was. It was the end of the day and you went to check if anyone had written their number down, you wouldn't be surprised or gutted if no one did, after all you did it for fun.

You unpin your card and flip it around, your eyes widen when you see a whole list of numbers, your cheeks turn pink at the thought that quite a few people supposedly liked you, "Someone's popular." You hear a female voice chuckle behind you. You turn your head to see Mikasa standing next to you, leaning over your shoulder to see the numbers, her cheeks turn rosy and her brows just slightly furrow in confusion, but you don't notice enough to comment upon it.

She leans away with rosy cheeks and then unpins her own card from the board, "Oh, you did it as well?" You say surprised, she nods and checks the card. Her eyes widen as she sees a whole list of numbers on hers, if not more than yours.

"I'm the popular one yeah?" You chuckle. Mikasa's cheeks turn more pinkly. You spot one of the numbers on her card, and your heart skips a slight beat, your cheeks further turn pink and your brows furrow in visible confusion.

You saw your own number written on her card, but you were certain you didn't write it - as much as you wished you could. You didn't write on anyone's card.

Yep. Unsurprisingly, you had a crush on your friend Mikasa. Neither of you had each other's numbers however because there wasn't a situation where you'd need to call each other, and when their has been, you or she would call Eren to tell the other.

But why was your number written on Mikasa's card? Who wrote it? On the inside you were getting worried.

"Are you gonna call them all?" You ask her.

"I might as well," She answers with a nod, you nod bite your lip, "What about you?" She reverses the question.

"Yeah, probably." To which she nods.

She takes the card and puts it in her pocket, and you do the same, "I need to meet with Eren, I'll see you later Y/N." Mikasa smiles lightly.

"Okay, I'll see you later Mikasa." You lightly smile at the girl. She waves before she walks away down the corridor.

You watch as she leaves, her footsteps echo down the corridor, you take another minute just thinking to yourself, why is your number on Mikasa's card? That was the only thing on your mind, you sigh before you walk down the corridor and exit the school.


Back home, you sat on your bed.


You didn't think through the fact you would have to confess to Mikasa when or if, she would call your number.

After all, if she didn't accept your confession, it risks your whole relationship with her. All because someone else wrote your number on her card.

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