Caring - (AU)

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Reader POV


I yawn as I put my pen down, I was beyond tired and extremely stressed, school and work have really tired me out. Not to mention there hasn't been anything rather uplifting as of late. I'm just in a pretty sad and sour mood.

     Not to mention I must've caught something as I feel even more drowsy and weak, I figured I must've caught a fever or something.

     Because of all this stress and tiredness, I haven't spent much time with my friends sadly, nor my girlfriend, Mikasa. We haven't talked much in the past week unfortunately. Everything is just piling on top of  one another.

     I look at the scattered papers around my desk, my heavy eyes then gaze upon my room. Everything was a mess, more scattered papers, clothes tossed about, I just haven't had the right time to clean. If Levi were here he'd probably beat me to a pulp for allowing my room to become so messy.

     I sigh and stand up, feeling even more tired my eyes struggle to stay open, I briefly look at my phone for the time, 4:53am. I have to be up by 7am to go to school......

     I turn the lights off in my room and lazily walk over to my bed and lay down, closing my eyes which are eager for sleep. Small relief washes over knowing I can at least get a few hours sleep before school.

     *Ding* The familiar sound of my doorbell erupts around the house, my brows furrow in confusion, "Who would be at my house at five in the morning?" I mumble with slight annoyance.

     My phone suddenly vibrates on my desk, I prop myself up using an arm and reach for it, I read to find out that Mikasa messaged me, At five in the morning?

     Mikasa : I know you're awake Y/N. I came over, I'm worried about you.

     I don't fully acknowledge the message, only the fact it was from Mikasa so I just assumed she was at the door. My eyes slightly widen, I sigh and get up from my bed, exiting my room and walking downstairs to the door, why would she be at my house at almost five in the morning? I open the door to find Mikasa standing there, a small comforting smile on her face.

     "Mikasa it's five in the morning, why did you come over?" I ask with a tiresome voice, a little annoyance behind the voice too, as I was interrupted from getting very much needed sleep. I was shivering slightly from the cold breeze entering the house.

     "Did you not read my message properly? I'm worried about you, you don't look too good." She frowns.

     "I'm fine, you shouldn't be worried about me." I sigh before stepping aside, letting her enter the house and closing the door behind her.

     "You look exhausted, I don't want to see you like this, you look ill, have you been taking care of yourself?" She asks. I slowly shake my head, she sighs before engulfing me in a hug, I stiffen at the sudden contact, but then I fully relax into the hug, releasing all the tension I've been carrying around in the past week. The hug was very comforting and very much needed, it felt so nice just to fall into Mikasa's arms, resting my head in the crook of her neck.

     "Work and school is a lot, it's a lot......"I say quietly, almost to a whisper as I hug Mikasa tighter, she welcomes it and in return hugs me tighter.

      Suddenly I release a tear, it confuses me at first, but before I can react more come. And suddenly I start crying in Mikasa's embrace.

     "It's okay Y/N, I'm here. You can cry, cry it all out." She says soothingly as she rubs my back as we slowly rock side to side.

     I continue crying, why? I'm not quite sure, but it felt nice. Releasing everything I've been holding in this past week or so, having a much needed cry to clear my mind.

     A few minutes pass, before I calm myself to a manageable state, "Th- Thank you, Mikasa, I- I needed that." I sniffle, wiping my eyes and nose.

     "I'm glad you got it all out, now come on. Let's sleep, you're probably really tired." She smiles as she grabs my hand, dragging me with her to the living room.

     We both lay down on the couch, in each other's embrace, as I begin to drift off to a much needed sleep in Mikasa's arms. Before I drift to sleep I feels Mikasa's soft lips gently press against my forehead.

     "I love you Y/N."


     I slowly wake up, my eyes slit open just slightly, I notice that Mikasa wasn't laying with me, her warmth was replaced with a blanket.

     I try to sit up, but my head suddenly aches, and I feel drowsy.

     As on queue Mikasa walks into the living room, "You're awake." She smiles. I nod with a small smile.

     "I need to go to school-"

     "Not today. You have a small fever, so as long as I'm here then you're not leaving the house." She says sternly. I sigh.

     "Mikasa please, I have-"

     "I phoned the school, they said you'll take your exams next week. That's another week of revision that I will personally help you with." She smiles.

     I look at her dumbfounded, "Here, take these." Mikasa walks over to me and hands me two pills along with a glass of water from the table, I proceed to put the two pills on my mouth before taking a gulp of water.

     "I cleaned your room, washed your clothes, finished your assignment due today and sent it in, I cleaned your house too." Mikasa states like it was nothing as she sits on the sofa beside me.

     My eyes widen, "W- What? Why are you doing all of this?" I ask with clear confusion.

     "Isn't it obvious?"

     I shake my head.

     "You're hopeless, someone has to care for you." She smirks. I give her a deadpanned look.

     "Very funny."

     She giggles sweetly before laying down beside me, she kisses my cheek, "Get some more rest."

     I nod in agreement, as I gently take her hand, caressing it softly with care.

     "Thank you, Mikasa."


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