Crying For You - Female! Reader (Canon)

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She was crying. Again.

The fourth time today, the tenth this week. She's cried, for hours and hours. She would cry and cry.

And no one cared.

No one would care to check on her, no one even bothered to notice. She felt alone, she felt like a burden to others.

She felt useless.

But...... what if there was someone who noticed, but was too scared to confront her? Because there certainly was someone.

     A certain, cold and stoic ravenette......

     In fact she was stood outside her door right now, in the cold, dark and silent hallway. Mikasa could hear her cries from the other side of the door. Hearing her like this pained her, but she had to do something before things escalated further. She brings up a hand and knocks.

     The girl's crying stops, and light footsteps can be heard, until the door creaks open. Revealing the girl, despite being shadowed in darkness, Mikasa could easily tell she was a mess. Her hair messy, her eyes puffy and red, her nose red and runny, her breathing uncontrollable. Mikasa was a little surprised she even answered, especially in the state she is in.

     "I'm bothering you aren't I? I'm sorry Mikasa. I'll stop now." Her voice cracks and her head hangs low, hot tears running down her face and droplets falling to the creaky old wooden flooring.

     She closes the door in Mikasa's face. She didn't even get a chance to talk. She brings her hand up and knocks again, and Y/N opens the door instantly, slightly confused.

     "Can I come in?" The ravenette asks. Y/N's eyes widen.

     "O- Okay......" She steps aside so Mikasa can enter. She does so and sits down on Y/N's bed. Y/N closes the door and takes a seat next to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mikasa asks the girl. She gasps slightly, not at all would she expect to hear a question like that, after all she was just a nuisance and waste.

She thought a girl like her shouldn't belong in the Scouts, she was weak, she thought, she couldn't slay a Titan, she thought, she's has too much humanity, she thought. But still, by her own will chose to fight in the Survey Corps.

She did it for her parents, it was their dream to join the Scouts, and to honour their deaths, she felt it was only right to join.

She was honestly fine before that, she wasn't the crying brat she was before joining the Scouts. The people she saw killed by those giants is what turned her.

Before she was bright, she was brave and level headed. But, after witnessing death first hand, her life drastically flipped.

She would cry and cry, but for what?

     "I shouldn't bother you with my burdens, I'll...... I'll only bring you down." She shakes her head, wiping her eyes and sniffling like a mess.

     "I'm here for you, I want to know. Please, tell me." The ravenette grabs both of the girls hands, clasping them in hers. They were slightly wet from the tears but Mikasa didn't care, she slowly caresses the back of her hands with her thumb, tracing small circles that sent tingles through Y/N's shaking body.

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