Proposal - Cheater! Mikasa (AU)

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Some of you will hate me for this lmao

This was inspired by a video I saw, and it really cheered me up. So here I am ha

This is kinda a joke! Don't take this seriously lmao


Mikasa deepens the kiss, holding them closer, both of their skin ignited to the touch, and sparks of electricity flew through their rough kiss.

Mikasa pulls away, and grins, lewd thoughts invading her mind, as she stared lustfully at them.

"Are you sure Y/N won't find out about this?" They ask, their feminine voice lacing with slight uncertainty.

"I'm sure, Annie. Y/N won't find out, it'll be just between us." Mikasa winks, before pulling the blonde back to meet her lips, pushing Annie down on her bed, and climbing on top of her, straddling her hips, as she deepens the kiss, as the night also deepens.


The Next Day


Annie sighs, and walks to the exit of the empty break room, just before she can place a small hand on the doorknob, it opens, almost bumping into her as she moves back.

It was revealed that Y/N was the one who opened the door, Annie's eyes widen briefly, after remembering what happened between herself and Mikasa, just the night prior. And a feeling of guilt washes her.

"Oh, h- hey Annie." A nerve wracking voice greets her.

"Y/N," She nods, "Is everything okay?" She asks, noticing their stutter and nervousness.

"Y- Yeah...... umm, can I talk to you?" They ask, fiddling with their fingers.

"Anything to distract me from work." She nods, her lips twitched upwards for a brief moment, but it went unnoticed by Y/N.

Y/N releases a collected breath, before stepping into the break room and closing the door behind them, "W- Well, you're good friends with Mikasa, so I just want to know......" Y/N pulls out a small, white box from their back pocket, "How would she react if I asked her to marry me?" Y/N opens the box, and Annie's eyes widen as a glistening black diamond shined, as it sat on a perfect, intricate gold cut ring.

Annie takes a moment to digest the ring, and exchanges glances with Y/N, and the ring, stunned and even jaw dropped. An extreme feeling of guilt now overpowered her, she had been sleeping with the same girl that Y/N wants to marry.

"So......" Y/N begins, "What do you think?"

"W- Well...... I-"


Y/N's hand was laced in perfect fit with Mikasa's, they walked through the town square, side by side. "Are you okay Y/N? You seem distracted." Mikasa asks, looking at her partner with delicate eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Y/N repeats with a smile. Their voice sounded nervous and a little strained. And Mikasa wanted to make a comment on it, but she trusted her partner's word.

They walk past the very centre of the town square, in sight of everyone on a sunny, busy day. And Y/N abruptly stops, right in the middle. Mikasa feels their hand leave hers, confused she turns around, "Y/N?" She asks with concern.

Y/N looks at Mikasa, "U- Umm...... Mikasa," They pause, Mikasa's eyes became more concerned for them, "Ever since I've met you, I've liked you, something attracted me to you. And for whatever that is, I'm so thankful, because it brought me to you, I'm glad that I get to call you mine, you're amazing." Y/N smiles, Mikasa blushes, but she was still slightly confused.

"You're loyal, honest, open, clever, beautiful. You're everything that I would want in a girl." Y/N smiles. Mikasa's mind instantly shifts to Annie, and she felt guilty.

"And so, as we've been dating for five years, and this is actually our anniversary, I thought I would ask you something......" Y/N then slowly kneels down on one knee. Mikasa's eyes widen as her body stiffens, and her mind starts going blank.

Y/N puts a hand in their pocket, "Mikasa Ackermann......" Mikasa watches in shock, if Y/N was about to do what she thought they would. She would say yes in a heartbeat, despite......

People from around them had also started to watch, and a large circle formed around the duo, all cooing.

Mikasa was about to be the happiest girl on the planet. Her eyes start tearing up.

"Mikasa Ackermann...... please, will you......" Y/N pauses and takes a deep breath. Mikasa, and all the spectators watch in anticipation, some pulling out their phones to record the ordeal.

"Will you......"


     "Will you go fuck yourself?" Y/N pulls out their middle finger in place of the box. Their tone was suddenly serious, as their eyes narrowed at Mikasa.

The crowd gasp, and some erupt in laughter as Mikasa stood there, shocked, "Y- Y/N?!" Mikasa's tears spill as she calls to them with utter shock, disbelief and confusion.

"You've been cheating on me for months with none other but a good friend of mine, to think you'd do something like that is unbelievable, we're breaking up." Y/N says, pain was in their voice but they tried not to show it. They stand up.

     Mikasa stares in horror, and she watches, as Y/N turns around, and begins to walk away. Tears fell down her face, as the crowd was in awe.

Mikasa had just lost her love, and fuck......

She regrets everything......


Moral of the story, don't cheat! That shi- hurts a lot!

This definitely isn't a oneshot I'm proud of lmao

I'm gonna try to write more because it's now the summer holiday for me! So I got until early September until school starts again.

I may not write more on this oneshot book however. I really want to focus on other books! But I will still update this, just not a lot, so try not to expect anything!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


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