Happy Birthday Mikasa! - (Canon)

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Happy birthday to the best of girls!


I lived in the forests on the edge of Wall Maria, isolated from most of the world.

It was a nice and peaceful life to say the least, me and my family had a small cabin in the woods.

But I found out today, that there was another family living in the same woods as me, and it was one of their birthdays. A little girls birthday, my mother told me she as called Mikasa. She was the same age as me today.

I didn't have any siblings, neither many friends, and since I was living in the woods, it wasn't the best trip in and out to the nearest town, it often resulted in me getting lost.

But I found out that the Mikasa girl didn't have any siblings or many friends either, she dealt with the same problem as me.

And so being the genius and caring person I am, I decided to go out and buy a present for her birthday, and go and hang out with her so she will have a friend to celebrate her birthday with.

I asked my mom if I could go and get Mikasa a present, and she agreed. She thought it was sweet and lovely. So we said goodbye to my dad and set off into the woods to the nearest town.

"Mom, what does Mikasa like? I've never met her before so I don't know what to get her." I shrug as I jump along the grassy path through the woods.

My mom was friends with Mikasa's parents and she met Mikasa a few times, but she was rarely home herself because of her duties as a Scout. She was one of the best soldiers in the Scouts.

"Mikasa likes sowing with her mother, maybe you could get her some thread or supplies? She says sweetly.

"Okay! I'll make sure to get her that." I smile brightly as I continue to bounce along the path with excitement.


Upon reaching the town, we went into the market and looked around. I found some sowing supplies for her, and a bit of thread. We bought the items and also a bag to put them in.

We continued walking through the market just for anything of interest when something catches my eye, "Mom can we get her that scarf?" I point towards a red scarf put on display. It looked warm and was a crimson red. I had a feeling Mikasa might like it.

"Sure honey, we'll get that for Mikasa." My mother smiles before we enter the shop to buy the scarf.

We buy the scarf and put it in the bag, "I think does are great presents darling, Mikasa will be more than happy." My mother smiles happily. I smile brightly with happiness and excitement.

"Can we go and meet her? I'm excited to give her these." I ask, grabbing my moms hand and dragging her with me.

"Of course sweetie, we can't stay too late though. It's going to get dark soon." My mom chuckles as she walks along with me back to the forest.


We reach Mikasa's house, it took a while but we made it. My mom knocks on her door as I stand beside her, almost jumping with excitement.

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