Heart - (AU)

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Really sad, maybe cliché......


"Y/N L/N, unfortunately your condition is worsening and has reached stage six, and our tests suggest there is a very high risk of heart failure if this condition reaches stage seven. So we have placed you on a Transplant list in search for a new heart." The doctor tells Y/N straightforwardly, who looked with a gloomy frown, vibrance drained from their eyes.

"For now, all we can do to slow the growth is supply you with heavy antibiotics. We estimate that there is about a month before your condition reaches stage seven. And...... if no donor is available, I'm afraid it will be only your time." The doctor presses his lips into a thin line, staring sympathetically at Y/N. Who was on the verge of tears.

Mikasa squeezes their hand, herself almost being brought to tears too, "We'll find someone for you, I promise."

Y/N only slowly nods, "Thank you, doctor Yeager." They sigh and stand up from their seat. Mikasa follows, and they both end with a goodbye before exiting the room.

Upon exit, Mikasa embraces Y/N harder than she's ever hugged them before, Y/N immediately hugs back for dear life, both of their teary ocean eyes releasing small rivers down their cheeks.

"We'll find someone, I promise Y/N."


A week had past, and there was no available donor, Y/N sits gloomily on the couch, after the visit to the hospital, they became a lot more sadder, more gloomy, more empty. And it hurt Mikasa, she didn't want to see her Y/N like this, she wasn't going to lose hope that someone would help Y/N either. She still believed, as Y/N's was quickly diminishing.

Two weeks, and no one still, Y/N was still gloomy, still sad, nothing Mikasa did would help them. She stares at Y/N, who was sat on the couch again, from the kitchen as she tidied up dinner, she knew they would find someone, she promised to them, and she didn't give up hope.

Three weeks......

No one......

Y/N had one week left to find a heart donor, and no one applied. It tore Y/N down severely, their hope had vanished and all they would do is wallow all day.

Mikasa took things into her own hands- and heart. And forcefully dragged Y/N out of the house.

On the first night, she took Y/N to the beach, and they spent their time building sand castles and swimming, Y/N smiled for once, and it urged Mikasa to do more.

On the second night, Mikasa took Y/N camping, they spent the night in a camping area, and they had fun building the tent, attempting to catch a fish and cook s'mores on the campfire, they sung songs and melodies, Y/N was laughing, and it urged Mikasa to do more.

On the third night, Mikasa took Y/N to the city, they watched a movie, ate at the luxurious restaurants, stayed at the fanciest hotel, went to a sports game, Y/N was joyful, and it urged Mikasa to do more.

On the fourth night, she took Y/N and also Eren, Armin and the whole group out shopping in the most welcoming mall, they all had fun, they all went in shopping sprees, even Y/N bought quite a few things, which almost made it seem like their forgot about the donation, everything, and thankfully Mikasa found a donor, although she would leave it to a surprise for Y/N, and that urged her to do more.

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