Happy Birthday Mikasa! - *Bonus* (Canon)

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I had another idea, so here it isssssss. You could say this is sort of a continuation of the last chapter I guess. I hope you enjoy!


     Me and my mother came back home and we told my father what had happened, he seemed happy that I had fun.

     "I think Y/N and Mikasa would make a cute couple." My mother says with a grin.

     I shake my head and retort, "No no no! I- I only just met her, an- and she's just a friend." I pout and cross my arms, glaring at my mother. I was unaware of the pink hue spread across my cheeks and my parents giggled.

     "It's quite dark outside, we stayed at Mikasa's for awhile, don'tcha think it's time for bed dear?" My dad asks.

     I subconsciously yawn and nod my head, "Can we go and see Mikasa tomorrow?" I ask, hoping that I could.

     "Of course darling. Now go to bed, so you can have a good rest before tomorrow." My mom smiles, I return the smile and run away into my room, climbing under the covers.

     Before I go to sleep, all I could think about is the day I'm going to spend with Mikasa tomorrow, it felt really good knowing I had a friend in the woods with me.

     I remember the hug Mikasa gave me earlier. My heart tingles again, I don't really understand it. But it felt nice.


     I drag my mother along the same grassy path we took to Mikasa's house yesterday. It wasn't a nice day today, it was gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain. But nothing was going to stop me from having fun with Mikasa.

     As Mikasa's house gets into view, me and my mother notice three men standing outside her house, "Oh sweetie, maybe Mikasa has visitors today. Perhaps we should come back later or tomorrow, we wouldn't want to interrupt them." My mother says sweetly.

     I frown and sigh, "Okay mom, can we come back later?" I pull on her hand.

"Of course, come on." She smiles and we turn around to begin walking back to our house.

However we only take a few steps before we hear a loud scream behind us, one of terror. I shriek in fear and jump around, hiding behind my mother who was also alerted.

A realisation hits me and dread and fear washes me, that scream, it sounded like a girl.

And it came from Mikasa's house.

"Come on Y/N, quickly now." My mother grabs my hand and begins running towards the scream and Mikasa's house.

We run as my heart begins to beat faster, what happened? Why was she screaming? It was confusing to me, but I still couldn't contain the feeling of fear and worry invading every cell of my body.

We see that the door to Mikasa's house was open, and one of the three men were walking inside, following the other two.

"Mikasa run!" I hear a yell of a woman, if sounded like Mrs. Ackermann, and my eyes widen, was Mikasa in danger?

"Y/N stay here okay?! Do not move, and if you see anyone. Hide, okay?" My mother quickly turns to me and says.

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