LA 1.1

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"Where the hell is y'all's head at?!" Davis yelled

It was halftime of the championship game and we were down by 30. Everyone here in this room tired. I sat down in my chair putting my elbows on my knees throwing my towel over my head. "Come on y'all! We tied on the record and y'all decide to slack off now?" he asked

"When if we win we get the championship." he added

I signed and thought about all of my awful passes. Davis was telling each person what they can work on, including himself. "Melo"

I looked up having my towel fall off my head "What's wrong man? You so out of it" he told me

I looked down "Try not to do those no look passes, they can read that and if you can't see behind you then you shouldn't be doing that. Follow through on your shot too man"

I nodded my head. Coach then took over and told us about what we plan on doing for the second half. It was basically what we had to do to win the first round of the playoffs, give Lebron or AD the ball and have them shoot.

We got up and broke then headed back out to the court. As I was walking I saw my family on the court side seats. Zo holding Zoey bouncing her on his lap next Denise, Gelo sitting next to Momma talking to her. then next to momma was dad. Right when I saw him we made eye contact. You know that straight face your parents make at you and you get that gut feeling that it's do or die.

This is what was happening...

I grabbed a ball and started to work on what AD told me to work on. Following through on my shot. I didn't exactly know what he meant by that because my shots went in five out of seven times of the game. I shot as I regularly do and the shot went in. I did it a few times and then saw that there isn't much wrong with it. So why do I have to following through on my shot?

I did it again and AD came up next to me "Good, now try it with someone coming to you" he said dropping his ball and went a few steps in front of me. I thought this was kinda dumb, but it's the championship game, so I gotta do whatever to help win with these guys. I got ready to shoot and he came up at me. I shot the ball and I missed it. "What you didn't do is following through. You look stiff" he said

He caught my ball and gave it to me "Let's try this again" he said

I got ready to shoot and did as he told. The ball went in. I had a small smile. He gave me my ball "Now do that, then we got a chip" he said and patted my shoulder.

We went back to the bench and got our play we are going to do. The buzzer went off and we did a break walking back onto the court. When I looked around the crowd (mostly court side) I saw all kinds of celebrities. Snoop, Shaq, Magic, Jay-z and his family, almost every celebrity in LA was here. So we gotta get a win.

It was fourth quarter and we all on edge. There was 30 seconds on the clock left and we are only three points behind. Coach used his last timeout so he could draw up a last minute play. "No matter what, AD or James gets the ball to shoot." he pressured.

We broke then while I was walking on the court both AD and James came up to me, they put their jerseys over their mouths "So you know what coach said about us shooting?" AD asked

I nodded my head "Yeah instead you are shooting" Lebron said

They both walked away with me looking dumb. Wait. Did they just say I'm shooting? The whistle was blown and we all got into our positions. I looked over at AD who mouthed "Follow through" to me.

Lebron came up to the top of the key. He stopped for a second and then drove through his defender. With that AD and Kuzma did a switch down low. I got to the top of the key and Lebron kicked the ball out to AD who pumped a fake then to me. I didn't really think at all in this moment. I saw my defender coming up to me and for a split second I knew what I was doing. I pumped a fake, two dribbles to my left and someone coming my way who was taller. I shot the ball and a good two seconds after it left my hand the buzzer went off and the ball

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