LA 2.6

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a/n: hol' up🙈i hit 3k on dis story??? awww ilysm❤️❤️😘

"Huh?" she asked

"Either you go see a therapist or you stop doing drugs. Because I know you can do better than this"

"Alright fine, I'll stop" she said

"I'm serious Mackenzie"

"Okay I'm serious too Melo. I'll stop" she grabbed my hands

"I swear" She gave me a peck. I looked at her "I'm trusting you on that."

She gave me a smile "Wipe that smile off your face, I'm still mad you lied to me" I said smiling cause she was smiling.

"I'm sorry about that. I just didn't want you to worry more." she told me

I wrapped my arms around her waist "I don't like liars. So don't do that shit again"

"Yes sir" she said doing that salute motion with her hand.

I gave her a kiss and she wrapped her arms around me giving me a hug. "I'm actually really sorry Melo. I didn't want you to worry. It's a lot of pain and I'm trying to get through it" she said

I hugged her a little tight her and gave her head a kiss "I know you're going through a lot of pain, but drugs doesn't help. I just want you to be happy but the right way" I told her

She pulled back and nodded her head "Okay, I swear" she smiled

I gave her a kiss "Okay"

It's been a week since the whole incident at my house. She seems to be okay. She is always at the studio though. So I don't see her much, but it's because of her album. She is almost done with it and so she is trying to finish as much as possible before her dead line.

Now I was meeting her at her hotel so I can take her out to eat. Well we were all going out to eat. It's her last day to record so we are all going out to celebrate. First it was just me taking her then Kylie and them decided to jump in and join. I said sure whatever... but you're paying for your own food.. Hey listen, I was willing to spend a lot for MY GIRL. Not her and her friends. They rich too.

I got up to her room and soon saw everyone. I went to her room and closed the door seeing her getting ready "Hey hey heyyy" I smiled

She smiled at me "Wassup"

I walked to her and gave her a kiss "What's wrong with you?" I asked

She signed "Well today was going great and stuff. Then I got a call from Jordan's school. They have a game on her birthday, so they plan on having a small ceremony for her. They want me to come down and be there" she signed

"You plan on going?" I asked

She shrugged "I don't know. Just thinking about it is fucking me up in the head by reminding me she is gone. If I actually go there then I think I'll be worse" she laughed the last part off to seem like she was joking when she wasn't.

"I think it could help you try to feel better. Bring you some relief" I sat down on her bed next to her.

"I can barely think about her without crying Melo. I don't think I will be okay if I go. I'm still really hurt by this."

I wrapped my arm around her "You want me to go with you?" I asked in a baby voice to make her laugh. It worked

She laughed and nodded her head "I would actually like to have someone by my side" she smiled weakly

"It just-" she took a deep breath to try to stop herself from crying.

"I miss her" her lips trembled. "Like she is suppose to be here with me right now. She is suppose to be talking all this shit about me buying her all this damn food" she laughed

"But my parents had to take her away from me" she wiped her eyes. "Have you heard from them?"

She shook her head no "Last time I heard, they were going to trial for first degree child cruelty. They could get five to twenty" she signed

"They want me to testify"

"I don't know if I can" she started to mess with her hands "Like I don't think I can sit in there and tell them all they have done while still being scared they could do something to me"

"Hey" I said softly and held her hand "They cannot get a hold of you. They won't get you, not with me by your side"

She nodded her head "This is just too much. I'm barley over this and it still feels like it's too much to handle"

"I'm always sad, angry, scared, I just want to calm down" she laughed off

I looked at her "You're not using again are you?"

"No" she signed "Even though one sounds good about now" she laughed

I gave her a kiss "There's better way to cope with stress" I smiled

"Say less" she said getting on me. "Hold up" I said laughing

"First off I was talking about reading a book or something" I laughed

"Second, even if we were to do this, everyone outside your room"

She groaned and climbed off me "Melo you can't be saying shit like that and not do anything" she whined

"Sex crazy" I laughed. "Nigga shut up, you always wanna have sex when you come to my house" She shoved me

I laughed and went to the door "Hey you guys" I caught their attention "She said she needs a few and that she will meet you there"

"What's wrong?" Kylie asked

"Stuff, she said she will meet you guys there. She won't be long" I answered

They all said they hope she feels better and walked out. Kylie still giving me a stink eye. Acting like I won't throw a bird at her.

Once they left I closed the bedroom door and went over to Mackenzie on the bed. "Wait really?" she asked

I nodded my head then took my shirt off "I don't want to hear shit about you not walking" I told her making her laugh.

"We both know Imma whine" she smiled then kissed me while wrapping her arms around me.

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