LA. 5.2

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"They look ugly... like their daddy" Gelo said looking at the twins who was being held by Mackenzie.

I smacked my lips and Mackenzie kept looking at the twins "You are so lucky that I am holding these babies and not allowed to get up" she signed

She gave them each a kiss. "Momma's babies" she smiled

"Hey let daddy give them some love"

She laughed and kept smiling at them. Out of all the smiles she has ever given, this one is definitely my favorite. "Come on Mackenzie, share, I wanna hold my niece and nephew" Zo complained

Since he was sitting by her foot she kicked him off the bed. "If you don't let me love my babies"

Zo popped his head up "You they momma, you got their whole life to love them. I live in a whole different state"

"Boo hoo cry to yo momma"

He stood up and dusted his self off. He look at momma and she raised her hand "No" she told him

Gelo and I fell out laughing. "Okay then I'll wait" he sat down in a chair away from Mackenzie.

I walked over to Mackenzie and leaned on the railing a little. "So how are you planning on feeding them?" Gelo asked

She shrugged her shoulders "I want to breastfeed but their feeding time is not gonna fit my schedule" she explained

"Why not have your schedule fit into their feeding time?" Zo asked

"I mean, no matter what you are gonna have to take a break from something to take care of them. It's better to make your team respect you as a mother and a artist"

"We will figure it out" she signed

"Well you gotta figure it out soon, it's almost time for my grand-babies to eat" dad told her

She laughed at his comment. "Trust me it will be decided before they have to eat" she smiled

"Alright let me hold one of them" I said wanting to hold them or at least one of them.

She laughed and I picked up my little princess. "Hey" I cooed

"For someone who wanted a boy, you sure showing a lot of love to her" she teased

"Don't worry we gonna switch soon" I said and they laughed.

"Gonna spoil you rotten" I told her.

"A little spoiling wouldn't hurt" Mackenzie smiled. I smiled seeing her breaking her vow not to spoil them.

For the names we kept them the same. Mackenzie said she is going to try to find some nicknames for them.

After everyone got to hold them they all said that they were gonna head home. I set one of them in their little bed and Mackenzie handed me the other so I can do the same.

She scooted over and I sat down next to her. "We are parents" she squealed.

I laughed "Yes we are" I held her hand

"I'm glad you don't gotta go back to work right away" She laid her head on my shoulder "Me too"

"Endless night of sleep... here we go" I said

She chuckled real tiredly "Yeah" she yawned

"You go to sleep" I told her "Shiii don't have to tell me twice" she smiled and laughed a little

I gave her a kiss "You did great today"

She smiled "Thank you"

Soon enough she fell asleep.

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