Bora Bora 1.1

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"Zo if you don't get your child!" I shouted from my room. Zoey was jumping on my bed throwing my clothes everywhere.

I picked her up and she laugh "I knew you went this way" Zo said walking over to us

"Dada" she giggled

He picked her up and he tickled her "Badass" I joked

I went back to my bed to fold my clothes. "We finna head out to the beach, you wanna come?" he asked me

I shook my head no "I gotta watch Jordan's game"

"I thought you said they don't broadcast" he asked

I shrugged my shoulders "I help pay for one for the school"

"Her mom struggles to get gas money plus I told her I would find a way to watch. I had it set up on my way back home" I explained

"Okay so you a mentor now?" Zo teased

I laughed and finished putting my clothes up. I grabbed my laptop and pulled up the broadcast and the girls were still doing their warm ups. "I'm just looking out I guess"

I sat down on the bed and placed the laptop on my lap. "If you guys are still out when the game ends I'll be out there" I told him

"Okay, we'll send a text if you need anything" he said walking out

The game started and Jordan was starting. They got jump all after she raced a girl to get it. Jordan yelled out a play and all the girls got into their positions. It was running smoothly until someone didn't meet the pass and stole the ball. That made Jordan upset. She said something to the girl on her team. They both got upset with each other and went to play defense. Just that small argument messed up the whole game.

After taking notes on Jordan's game I closed my laptop and headed out to change into my swim trunks. I grabbed my phone and headed outside where everyone was at.

"About time! How did the game go?" Zo shouted

"They lost by 3" I told him

"Buzzer beater?" Ingram asked

I nodded my head sitting down on the chair "Ask that 14 year old girl some tips" he shouted

I picked up some sand and threw it at him. I pulled my phone out recording the view. I captioned it 'add bora bora to the list to places to go to'

I posted it and then headed out into the water with everyone.

next day
I woke up to Zoey jumping on my bed. "Zoooo!" I shouted

Zoey jumped on top of me "Wake up!"

"No!" I groaned and pulled the covers over me making her fall.

"Go bother your other uncle" I put the pillow over my face since she was hitting me.

"Wake uuupppp" she groaned


I heard his footsteps "I'm here, I'm here" he said

He picked up Zoey "Come here bug"

She giggled "She just wanna play Melo"

"And I just wanna sleep. Leave me alone" I told him

He grabbed the pillow and hit me with it "Don't you gotta call Jordan? It's about to be late over there"

I huffed "Melo come on, you promised this kid you would call. Get up"

I stretched and sat up "I'm up, I'm up"

I had a yawn and sat on the edge of the bed "Good now get to shit together too. We all finna go out to eat"

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