LA 3.5

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Next Day

I shot up from my bed hearing someone banging on my front door. BANG BANG BANG!

I hurried out of my bed after taking a nap going downstairs. BANG BANG!

"Hang on damn!" I yelled

I got to the front door seeing Kylie and Kendall "What are y'all doing here?"

Kylie looked pissed off. Like ready to fight someone pissed off.

"Is everything okay with Mackenzie?" I asked

She slapped me causing me to be really confused. I looked back at her "Listen, I know we hate each other and all. But you gotta be out your damn mind to put your hands on me"

Soon I saw another car pull up. It was Mackenzie "Kylie" she shouted

Kylie walked in with Kendall following "You know how stupid you are? To pull some shit like this?" she told me pushing me back

"I don't know what you are talking about" I told her. "Stop lying" she yelled

"Lying about what? I have no idea what you are talking about!" I yelled back

Mackenzie ran in and pulled her back and got in front of me. "I told you not to fuck up her life" she yelled

"How did I fuck up her life? What did I do?" I have no idea what is going on but I'm starting to get mad because she shows up to my house and puts her hands on me accusing me of something I did and I have no idea what.

"Kylie, just leave it alone. It isn't your business" Mackenzie told her

"No, because I told your ass he wasn't good. Yet here you are possibly knocked up." she said

My eyes widen "Knocked up?" I asked

They all looked at me. I looked at Mackenzie "You're p-pregnant?"

She signed "And guess who's baby it is" Kylie said looking at me

I felt my heart rate go up "M-mine?" I asked her

Mackenzie groaned "Y'all ain't even letting me explain myself."

Kylie pulled out the box from her purse "You know you are not suppose to be doing this stuff with your recovery"

Mackenzie took the box and opened it pulling out the stick "It's negative!" she told her showing her the test

I might sound like an ass for this but god am I relieved. "I literally just got back from the doctors and they said no baby. It was just a scare" she said putting the test up

Kylie had a sign of relief "You said you were hanging out with Kylie" I told her

"I lied, I had a doctors appointment. While I was there someone" she said and looked at Kylie

"Decided to come to my hotel room after I told them I would be running late and started to snoop around"

"I wasn't snooping, it was literally on your bathroom counter" Kylie said

"Second, you shouldn't be having sex"

Mackenzie laughed a little "Kylie I am not a child. I am going to have sex. Yes I'm in recovery, but I am still going to go have sex. So what if it was with Melo. So what if I ended up pregnant. It has nothing to do with you"

"Like come on man, Melo isn't that bad of a guy. I don't know why you hate him so much. Because what? Kendall? I love the love you are showing your sister, but you gotta chill"

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