LA 2.2

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Three days later Jennifer was still at my house. I was downstairs in the living room on my phone while she was still sleep. Soon I got a call from Jordan. I answered and put it against my ear "Wassup superstar? Welcome to the Overtime Gang"

She chuckled a little "Thank you. Her voice sounded horse

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I just wanted to call and tell you not to watch the next game" she said

"Why not?" I asked

"I'm not gonna be able to play. I hurt my hip in practice" she said

It was quiet. I heard music in the background. Sounded like it was coming from downstairs "What happened?"

"I went up for a layup and a girl made me fall" she said and sniffled. That's when I knew this was a lie. I watched all her games and that never happened

I heard some type of motion. "How badly hurt are you?" I asked knowing I was on speaker and someone was in the room.

"I'm out two weeks" she said

"Johnathan I need you downstairs!" I heard

Soon I heard footsteps getting more quiet "Melo" she whispered

"Jordan how bad did he hit you?"

"I can't move" she cried.

"Please help me" she cried more

"Okay, calm down" I said

"What happened?" I asked

"He wouldn't stop talking about Mack. So I hit him again-"


"I've hit him a few weeks ago. Didn't turn out well" she said

"He hit me with a broken leg from the table. He told coach that I'm not going to be able to play because the doctor said my hip bone is bruised" she cried

She took a deep breath "I am going to get your sister and we are going to help you" I said standing up

"No! Don't tell her. You promised" she said

"Jordan I can't not tell her, you need help" I told her

She cried more "I'm scared" she said

"Everything will be okay, I promise. We will be there soon" I said

"Okay" she told me.

She hanged up. I went upstairs to Jennifer. "Babeyyy" I shouted

"In the bathroom" she shouted

I walked into my bedroom and went to the bathroom connected. "What's up?" she asked

I took a deep breath. "You okay?" she asked looking at me through the mirror. "Mackenzie" I said

She froze and looked at me through the mirror. She let out a small chuckle "Melo whatever joke you doing to call me another bitch's name it isn't funny" she tried to pass it by.

"Mackenzie Jones" I said

She froze again and looked at me. "Okay seriously that joke better stop right now" she still thought I was joking

"I don't know who the fuck is Mackenzie Jones, so chill out with that bitch's name" she wouldn't let up.

"You're Jordan's sister" I told her

She took a deep breath and realized that I knew her name. "Did she tell you?" she turned around to face me

"I figured it out. She just confirmed it" I said

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