Atlanta 2.4

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a/n: thank you for 1k! ilysmmm💕💕💕💕

We were at the hospital waiting for an update about Jordan. We've been here for about a good two hours. Mackenzie was questioned by police about what happened. She told them the whole story about their parents and about Jordan's current situation. "We were planning on coming to you guys to make a report but then she passed out." she explained

"Okay thank you. We will wait for her to wake up to confirm the situation." he told her

She signed and sat down next to me. "Why didn't we take her to the hospital first? She kept saying she was tired. I should've taken her here after she told me she could barley breathe"

"Calm down. We didn't know it would end up like this." I explained

"Melo I can't lose her. She is literally all I have" Her leg wouldn't stop bouncing.

I gave her a kiss on her head and tried to comfort her. But it was really hard to try to calm someone down when you are freaking out yourself. Jordan is such an amazing person that it's hard to believe this is her situation. She always had a smile on each time I talk to her. She always wanted to talk about what she would be doing if she made. Now all I think about is her dreams, knowing that she possibly couldn't live to see them come true

Her parents came in and once they saw her they charged this way making me stand up in front of her. "I'm fine Melo" she said pushing me aside.

"What are you doing here? What did you do to my daughter?" her mom asked

"I did nothing it was you and your crazy ass husband that landed my sister in the hospital" she told her

"Thanks to you Jordan is in there clingy to her life because you! Her fucking mother! Don't know how to control your dog!" She yelled

Mrs. Jones slapped her "That's your father and I you are talking about" she said "Show some respect" she added

Mackenzie looked back at her "I never considered him a father after the way he put his hands on Mikey and I. Especially landing my little sister in the hospital. You ain't been a mother to none of us. Just letting him hurt us over and over! What type of mother does that!"

"Okay let's calm down now" A officer said stepping in between them. I brought Mackenzie to me "Just try to breathe" I told her

"What happened to her?" Mr. Jones asked

"With the information the doctor gave us, she has been hit with an rectangular object several times. By that we mean days. She has bruised ribs and her leg is sprained, her hip bone broke. She has a concussion in her head" he explained

Both seemed quiet. Because they just named everything that they did to Jordan "Signs of abuse" the officer said

"Now we have a statement from the sister" he said and went on and on. Once he finished he told them that they need a statement from Jordan to make things official.

Soon the doctor came out "Jordan Jones"

We all stood up. He took a deep breath "We've tried all we could do" that sentence alone made my heart drop. Mackenzie grabbed my hand "But we can't do anything about the injuries she faced. Now all we can do is really see if she can recover herself" he explained

Mackenzie started to cry "Can we see her?" Mrs. Jones asked

"Actually she is asking for" he said and looked at his clipboard "Melo and Mack"

"That's us" I said

Mr. Jones raised his hand up a little "We are her parents. We don't want her going back there" he said

"With the situation right now, you have no rights to be saying what you want for that this could a be a case" the officer said.

"Do you know what is the cause of the trauma?" he asked the doctor

"Signs of abuse" he said

Mackenzie tried to leap to him but I held her "Let me go" she cried

"No, calm down" I said trying to keep a hold of her "No, I want to kill him" she yelled

"Come on let's go see her" I said. She wouldn't stay still so a officer came over to try to help calm her down

She cried more and wouldn't stay still. I motioned the officer to move and I made her face me and put her against the wall. She still kept trying to move so I had to press my body against her. "Let's just go see her. Talk to her" I tried to calm her down. Once she realizes that I wasn't going to let her go anytime soon she nodded her head crying.

I still kept a hold of her while we walked down the hallway to Jordan's room. She wiped her eyes and I let her go.

We walked in and I closed the door. "Wassup superstar?" I asked

Jordan looked over at us and smiled weakly. We pulled up chairs next to her "Hey you guys" her voice was still horse.

Mackenzie gave her a small smile "When can I leave? she asked

Both of us took a deep breath "They want to keep you here a little more" Mackenzie explained "Before we head out the police wants to ask you questions about mom and dad" she told her

"You are going to be by me right?" she asked

Mackenzie shook her head no "But I'm going to be right outside. And don't worry about seeing mom and dad. The police won't even let them near you" she said

Jordan nodded "I'm excited to live with you Mack" she smiled weakly. I saw how Mackenzie smiled to hide the fact she is terrified right now. "I'm excited too lil sis" she smiled and held her hand.

"Every year on Christmas we are gonna bake cookies like we use to do" she told her

"And Halloween we are going to TeePee people's houses?" Jordan asked

"Oh yes" Mackenzie laughed.

"Will Melo be with us?" she asked

I laughed a little "I'll try to visit as much as I can." I croaked and soon cleared my throat "But your sister is in school, and I have my season" I shrugged

"Maybe she can transfer?" she asked

I looked at Mackenzie "Transfer to LA?" she asked

Jordan nodded her head "Yeah, so that we are all together" she smiled weakly.

Mackenzie wiped her eyes real quick "That's not too bad of an idea" she smiled

"What did the doctors say?" Jordan asked

Mackenzie looked at me. "Well" she said

"He said you are gonna be tired" I told her

Jordan looked at me "He said that what he can do is let you rest." I said feeling my lips tremble

"So you are gonna rest and you are going to be tired." I added

"And there could be a time when you aren't tired. But if you ever get tired, just close your eyes. Before you know it we will be right next to you" I smiled

Jordan nodded her head "Will you guys stay here with me till I get better?" she asked

I nodded my head "Yeah, you just rest and we will be right by your side" I said

She gave me a smile and looked at Mackenzie "I like him" she told her

"I do too, why do you think I am with him?" she joked making us laugh. Jordan place her hand on her ribs since it hurts.

We talked more about what we will be doing. To the point when Mackenzie graduates we will all live together. Jordan even mentioned about wanting a niece or nephew. We shut that down QUICK.

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