LA 2.5

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After Shooting the Wild N' Out Episode
I was in Mackenzie's room waiting for her to come back from shooting her episode. She was gone for most of the day so all I did was meet up with some friends to play ball, then went to get some food. I went back to my house to chill and watch movies. Last time I talked to her she was about to get on stage, she said she would call me once she is on her way back.

I was laying down on my bed watching a movie. Soon I finally got a phone call from her "Hello"

"You still at the hotel?" she asked

"No, I'm at my place"

She groaned "Nigga I'm right outside my hotel room"

I laughed "Imma pack a few things and then I'll be on my way there" she huffed

"Okay, I'll be here" I hanged up and went back to watch my movie.

"Hey babeyyyy!" she yelled

I laughed "I'm up here!" I shouted turning my tv down.

Soon I heard rapid footsteps and my door opened. She left her suitcase by the door and basically jumped on to the bed coming over to me. She took her mask off and got on top of me starting to kiss me. "Well hi to you too" I laughed in the kiss

"I said hey babey" she said still kissing me.

I chuckled "How was the episode?" I asked pushing her back

She groaned. I looked at her and she laughed "It was real fun" she smiled

"Hit Man was trying to get with me" she joked. I rolled my eyes "DC wouldn't stop doing this high pitch ass scream while laughing" she laughed thinking about it

"Nick tried to come at me on pick up and kill it, so I did a little freestyle on his rap career" she flipped her hair back making me laugh.

"What all did you guys do?" I asked

She climbed off me telling me all they did. She told me everything that was said and stuff. It was great to see her happy about something. It's good to see her getting back to herself. Now don't get me wrong, I want to have sex, I just want to hear her voice for when she is excited about something. She always has this exciting voice tone when she tells me something she is happy about. Always smile throughout the whole story. I haven't seen that type of smile since before her birthday. So I guess you can say that I'm happy to see her happy. It's a beautiful sight.

"Oh my god when Emmanuel would get on Justina about lying on having a booty, I couldn't breathe Melo" she laughed

She laughed more thinking about it "Then when we had to do the family reunion part, when Micheal took that nigga's wig off, we all was shook" she laughed

She was laughing so hard tears were coming out of her eyes. "And DC couldn't do his part cause he was still so surprised. Said that the nigga's head went boom" she laughed. She fell back laughing making me laugh

"Are you okay?" I asked laughing

I pulled her back up and she nodded her head "Yeah, it was just so much fun" she chuckled a little wiping her eyes

"I haven't had that much fun in a while" she smiled

"I'm glad you had fun." I gave her a peck

She smiled "I'm trying" she said

"How's it going so far?" I asked

She nodded her head "Surprisingly well, I'm actually healing. Granted though it still hurts, but I'm getting there" she smiled

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