Bora Bora 1.8

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The next day I decided to head over to Jennifer's hut. It was around four when I was on my way because I hanged out with the guys real quick. But she didn't text me like she said she would so I went to check on her.

I knocked on her door "Who is it?" she shouted

"Miss Shot"

I heard a small laugh. Soon she opened the door and let me in. I saw medical stuff out on the table in the living room "What's going on?" I asked

She signed "Kendall don't wanna believe so I dropped her ass" she said

"You beat her?" I shocked

"I go over there to explain that nothing is going on, she still boo hoo crying and got mad then punch me in the damn mouth" she groaned

"She punched you in the mouth?" I asked

She nodded her head "Did you hit her back?"

"Hell no"

"How come?"

"Cause I would have done body damage to that bitch.. plus I didn't have my rings on" she added shrugging her shoulders

"What about you and Kylie?"

"Kylie and I are still cool. She just thinks I should listen to her and not hangout with you"

She looked at me "And I'm not gonna listen to her. We just friends so ain't nothing to worry about" she shrugged going back to the living room to sit on the couch.

"God my momma would be pissed at me right now if she saw what happened last night" She laughed. "Letting a white girl put her hands on me" She chuckled and I sat down next to her

I laughed a little "But beware. She is planning on seeing you soon" she warned

"So when do you graduate?" I asked

"I'm only 18 so I'm a freshman"

"Got a career choice?" I asked

She nodded her head "Yeah, being Jennifer is just a side hustle, helps pay for my tuition and stuff" she shrugged

I nodded understanding "Okay miss school girl" I chuckled

She laughed "So what you got plan for today?" she asked

"Pack for my flight tomorrow to New Orleans" I said

"You leaving me?"

"I'm sorry, don't worry you can drool over me on facetime." She rolled her eyes and I laughed "Never mind leave" she waved off

"Well we should at least celebrate" she said standing up

"Celebrate what?" She walked past me to the room phone. "For our new friendship. Do you drink?"

"Ehh" I waved

"Great champagne and tequlia" she giggled

I laughed "I don't think that's a good idea" I suggested "Is the tequlia pushing it?" she asked scrunching her eyebrows together

"Just a little bit" I held up my thumb and index a little close together. "So champagne" she dialed the number and ordered the drinks.

"That packing gonna have to wait till later" she laughed

"Only a few sips"

She rolled her eyes "Whatever, let's do a marathon again" she grabbed the remote and put on a movie.

It was around seven now and we were drunk. Like not too drunk, but on the boarder line of being drunk. "Okay that's enough champagne for me. I think I'm about to get drunk" I laughed.

She laughed "I agree, don't want you to have a hangover on a flight" she set her glass down. She had a straw in her glass so she can stick the straw through the bottom of her mask

"It was a fun trip, not going to lie" I smiled

"Well of course, you hanged out with me most of the time" she flipped her hair back making me chuckle. "You know you're gonna miss me" she said and grabbed the duck "And Elmo" she waved

"I am not" I said

She moved closer to me "Come on, you know you wanna say it" she waved in my face more

I laughed and pushed her hand away just for her to bring it back "Say it and I'll leave you alone"

I looked at the duck "I'll miss you.. just because I won't be able to scare Jennifer with you anymore"

Jennifer hit me "Mane fuck you" I heard her smack her lips. "Gladly" I smiled

She had a small gasp "Aye chill now, you can't handle this baby boy" she said

I shook my head no "I am very confident I can handle all dat" I said looking at her up and down licking my lips

She laughed and grabbed my cheek "That's what they all say. Trust me you can't. Just ask Bi" she said and tapped on my cheek then got up.

She went to her bedroom and closed the door "See Bi and I are completely different people. I can actually last longer than 30 seconds"

She giggled and opened the door wearing and black tank top also wearing grey joggers that fitted her so well, with her hair still down. Even without trying she is still fine as fuck. She came over and sat down on the couch and that's when I saw her tattoo on her neck. A letter M with a halo. Must be for her brother. She grabbed her glass and sipped the rest of the champagne through her mask.

"Well now I gotta down mine" I joked making her laugh.

I grabbed my glasses and down the rest of it. I put the glass down "You and Bi may be different but he was just as confident as you were and failed"

I laughed "Now he is just cocky as a person. I, however, am a nice soul. Who can last longer" I said

I moved over closer to her "Well stay that way. I don't wanna crush that soul's spirit when it doesn't last." I smacked my lips making her laugh.

"Well you don't know till you try" I shrugged

I could see her smiling "You don't wanna start something you know you ain't gonna finish"

I laughed a little "I like to see you try" I snapped back

She turned the tv off making the only light in here was from the bedroom. It was hard to kinda see her since her back was facing the bedroom. "Like I said, Bi and I are different. I'm not making a move until you take that mask off" I told her

She paused for a moment.

a/n: hehehe 😈

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