LA 1.2

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"Where did you get these tickets from?" Kuzma asked taking a drink from his glass.

"Jennifer" he smiled and took a hit of his blunt

He passed it to Hayes "How?" Kuzma looked shocked to the fact he would know her

Ingrams smile got bigger "Let's just say she ain't gonna forget who I am"

Right when Hayes was about to say something the lights dimmed down. "Now for our very first performance of the opening night, we have Jennifer with her new hit Ride or Die." Everyone cheered, and I mean cheered real loud. This girl is poppin'.

Let me run you back, for at least what I know about her. Jennifer. The famous singer/dancer, who is a rising star thanks to her song Smack a Bitch. She wrote it about one of her old best friends sleeping with her boyfriend at the time. After that she got some fame. She kept releasing more music and boom, now she is signed to a record label making music for every girl in this world to boost their confidence, make them proud of their bodies and to never rely on a man. With that everyone loves her. Her stuff is alright, the only thing that really keeps people on their toes is her identity. Nobody knows what she looks like. She always wears a mask and sunglasses. She claims that the internet has everything about her but her face, and she wants to keep it that way. Says that it's something she finds value in.

What do I have to say to that?


As she was singing the explicit song doing the moves that made her curves pop out more, it was actually a good performance, as much as I want to have a bad night, seeing my friends happy kinda made me feel better. Or the fact they were going on about her dance moves thinking they could sleep with her. Yeah, jokes.

"Man Kyle, as much as you want to, I already did" Ingram told Kuzma making everyone laugh.

When she finished everyone cheered for her. "Hey hey shawty!" Ingram shouted making her look our way. She saw him and pointed at him. She gave one of her dancers the microphone and came up this way. "What did you do?" Zo asked Ingram

He shrugged his shoulder "I might have not texted her after I left"

"Jen you can't just go in there!" We heard someone yell outside the door

"Oh really? Watch me" we heard

Soon the door busted open to Jennifer. She looked mad, I mean by her body expression and the way she stomped over to Ingram. She stopped at the end of the table that is keeping her from getting to him. "We gotta talk" she told him

Ingram let out a small chuckle "A talk?" he joked

That set her off. She pushed the table out of her way and went up to him and slapped him. "Ouu" we all said

"Damn, that looked like it hurt" Gelo said

"Hold on, do it again, I didn't get it on video" Hayes said pulling out his phone

Jennifer grabbed Ingram by his collar of his shirt and pulled him up to her "Well I tried nicely" she told him

Hayes was now recording them "You like it rough huh?" Ingram asked

Her gripped on his shirt got tighter "So why are there A-List celebrities coming up asking me if your dick is good?" she asked him

"A-List? Oh do some girls want some?" he smiled

She took a deep breath "God save me from killing him" she said to herself

She looked at him "First off, I'm not one of your little hoes you can brag about. What happened was just a one time thing. Don't go around acting bragging about it" she said and let him go

"Plus yo shit wack, who last freaking last thirty seconds?" she asked

We all gasped and looked at Ingram. I looked at Jennifer and she looked at me "What you looking at Miss Shot?" she asked

"Nun" I answered

"Fix this bs Ingram, or I will gladly tell the internet about your thirty second fun" she told him

She walked out of the room slamming the door. "And that is one for the books" Hayes said putting his phone up

"Man, just when I thought that the night couldn't get any better. It did" I said and we all bust out laughing but Ingram

"Somebody was lying about the link"

Ingram looks over at me "Don't start Miss Shot" he said

"Aye don't flip this on me. It's not my fault she found out you lying on her. Mr. Thirty Seconds" I laughed

He rolled the eyes. They kept on clowning him and I looked over the railing and saw Jennifer on the opposite side of the club on the club. She looked pissed. I saw her talking to her friend, I couldn't tell who it was but she handed her a shot to I guess make her feel better. Jennifer took the shot and put it down. She looked my way, I couldn't tell if she was looking at me because she had her sunglasses on. She walked to the rail and pulled the black curtains together.

"Melo!" I heard Zo shout

I looked at him " Yeah?" I asked clueless

"We finna go get some more drinks, you coming?"

I shook my head "Nah, I don't plan on drinking too much tonight"

They all headed out and I looked back at Jennifer's room. You can see her a little, the curtains were some what see through, but since it's dark in the club the black curtains doesn't help. You can see her motioning to take off her mask and glasses. I really do wonder what her life is like since no one knows what she looks likes.

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