LA 3.6

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a/n: thank youuuu for 7k

I went upstairs to check on Mackenzie. I went to my room and she wasn't there. So that means she is on the balcony out back. She always went there when she was upset. Every time we fought (verbally) she went out back to get some air because she would deadass be ready to put her hands on me. So I am thankful that I have this balcony as her little cool off area.

I slid the door open and went to sit next to her on the couch. "You okay?" I asked

"Why you letting out all that cold air?"

I laughed a little "But for real"

She shrugged her shoulders "I mean I'm in my spot, what you think?" she asked and looked at me

"Do you want to talk about it?" She gave me a small smile "Nah, I'm actually okay. Like you have no idea how long I've been wanting to beat that bitch" she laughed

"Like I'm not even mad, Im not worried about a phone call from my manager. I'm just chilling. Cut ties. Living my best life now" she explained

"Man Ion know how you do it. I would still be mad"

"It's done so you move on. It's called growing" she said

"I don't think beating someone up is growing" I said and she side eyed me making me laugh. "It happened, it's over, move on" she said

I laughed a little. So I guess we move on from it. The only thing on my mind is this whole pregnancy scare thing.

"What would you have done if you were pregnant?" I asked changing the subject

She signed "I would definitely keep it because I always wanted a little mini me" she laughed a little

I smiled "But I would first try to get myself together and try to let it sink in. Then once I'm calm, I will take a flight to see you and sit down and talk to you about it. Whatever happens after that happens" she shrugged

"I think you would be a great mom" I smiled

She looked at me "Really?" I nodded my head "Boy am I happy to hear that" she laughed

"I was always scared that whatever anger issues daddy had I would have gotten them and not treat my child right" she explained

"That's your dad. You are a completely different person."

She took a deep breath "I am planning on testifying next month" she said

"For real?"

She nodded her head "It will help make sure they go away for what they did and if I were to have my own child, I don't want them to find a way to get near them. It's the last place I would ever want my child to be"

We talked some more about the trail and all she has to do. Last time we talked about it she was scared but she doesn't seem as scared now. She said something about when she was in rehab they talked to her about something to build confidence to do something.

We were at the studio the next day because she was suppose to do a song with Trey Songz. "Is he going to be here?" I asked

She shook her head no "He is out over in France. He just sent the song and when I finish I will send it back"

We got into the recording studio. "Kylie said she can't make it. Said that Stormi has a bad fever" the producer said

"Okay, tell her I said I hope Stormi feels better and to let me know if she needs anything" she said sitting on the couch.

I sat down next to her "You have an idea what you are gonna say in the song?"

She nodded her head "Trey and I had a FaceTime call a few weeks ago about the song. So we wrote the lyrics"

While we waited for her to get in the booth we talked some more. "You think you gonna make it to the championship this year?"

I shrugged "I don't even wanna talk about that. Playoffs are coming up and I'm not ready"

She gasped "Thee Lamelo Lafrance Ball is not ready for a game?" I laughed sitting back in the couch "The world is ending" she laughed

"Whatever" I laughed

"You will do great" she told me. "Ion know, I still get clowned about last year's game"

"Oh yeah, that's never leaving you. You will forever be clowned about that" she laughed at me.

"Miss Shot" she giggled

"Now you just having too much fun" I told her. "I am trying to lighten the mood"

"By making fun of me?" I raised an eyebrow "Hey it worked all those other times" she smiled

I rolled my eyes. She laughed and kept on making jokes about me and the game from last year. "Let's not forget the time when Jordan beat yo ass in basketball"

"By 5 points"

"Either way you lost to a girl who isn't even pro was 14" she said

I signed "I need to work on my game" I laughed

"I've been telling yo ass that" she joked

a/n: i deadass hate this chapter so much

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