LA 4.4

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Two Weeks Till Baby Shower

I ran upstairs, cause why the fuck is she screaming like that. I got to her room that had nothing but a few boxes "What happened? Are you okay?"

I walked in with her on a stool grabbing her curtains "Can we get takeout later?"

I signed "Girl you bout gave me a heart attack" I breathed heavy

She laughed "I'm sorry, but I had to get you up here some how"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to her "Get down from there" I told her

"I'm almost done. I only got this one and two more"

"Yeah, but I ain't finna have you fall. You're clumsy" she looked back down at me. She chuckled a little and went back to doing what she was doing

"You know damn well you like this view" she chuckled

I placed my hands on her waists and let one of my hands rub her ass "See" she said

I heard the door open and close knowing it was my family "Now go tell your brothers to pick these boxes" She said

"But I am enjoying this" I said wrapping my arms around her waist and laying my head on her.

"Melo get off me"

I groaned and let her go "Then get down, because if you hurt my son, I'm on that ass"

She laughed and kept on doing what she was doing. "Where y'all at?" I heard my dad yelled

"In here" I shouted back.

They walked in and my brothers and dad rushed over here "Get down, finna have you and my nephew in the hospital" Zo told her

"Girl if you hurt my niece" Gelo told her

She turned around and hit both of their hands "Just because I'm pregnant does not mean y'all can smother me" she said

"Come on, get down before you fall" Dad told her

She can never refuse dad. Or mom Like I said she loves my parents. Dad held his hand out to help her down and she took it. "I could have done it all on my own. I've done the last three rooms" she said

Zo punched my arm "Ow!" I said and punched him back "Why are you letting her risk hurting herself?" he asked

"Y'all know she does not listen to me" I stated "Don't lie" she told me

I looked at her making her laugh "Yeah, I don't listen to him" she laughed

My parents laughed "How long have you guys been packing?" Mom asked

"For almost two hours, I wanted to get every last thing today so we can have the house ready by the baby shower" she explained rubbing her stomach

Dad looked at me "What I do?" I asked

"You gonna let her do all this work?" he asked

I kinda jolted my head back "Okay hold up" I said "We not finna make me look like the bad guy. She just confessed to not listening to her. You know how many times I told her to get down? Or how many times I told her to take a break?" I asked

"What did she say?" I asked again

"Bitch get out my face" she said with a smile

Some laughter was let out "Well you come with me and we can get you something to eat" mom told her

"Ouuu sounds fun" Mackenzie told her. "Who's gonna drive?" I asked

"I am, you and your brothers can finish up here. You don't have much left" Dad told me. I signed and looked at Mackenzie who was smiling at me. My family treats her like a princess, but she is has a family she never have had before. So if she is happy, I'm happy.

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