Bora Bora 1.2

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a/n: not that y'all not commenting :|

"You seem to not be having fun" Jennifer said sitting next to me

I chuckled a little "I'm just tired"

"Lie again"

I laughed with her "Ion know, I just wanted to be with my people and close friends. I wasn't expecting y'all to be here"

"Ohhh I seee" she pointed at me

"You don't want to be around Kendall" she pressed her finger against my chest. "I never said that" I shook my head.

She laughed "Okay, well know your secret safe with me" she gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes playing it off.

After a while of talking and laughing we got to know more of each other. This time I got to know more of her, still don't know a lot of her. "So what are your plans for the summer?"

I shrugged "Work out, get ready for the new season"

I snapped my fingers "Oh there's this little girl I am mentoring. Her name is Jordan."

She nodded her head "Okay, I see you"

"How good is she?"

"A beast. She going places." I took a drink out of my cup "She just had a game, they lost but she went nuts on them. Like I'm talking back to back threes and everything" I explained

I told her more about Jordan and how I really see her with a future. I explained all about Jordan and she actually listened. When I tried telling Kendall about Jordan she was just scrolling on her phone and didn't seem too much into it. But yet again she is like that with me a lot of the times. But Jennifer was actually listening to me. She sees how excited I am to help Jordan out.

"You sound like big bro" she gave me a shove

I shrugged my shoulders "I feel like it. Plus it might be a good thing. Her older sister left them so she's been upset"

"She left them?" she asked

I nodded my head "Her mom said that the older sister left to do her thing and hasn't heard from her. Granted though Jordan just talked to her sister today."

"Oh wow." She looked kinda sad hearing that "I hope she sees her sister soon" she told me

"Me too, she sounded really happy telling me about their conversation"

"Aw." Even though she had her mask on I could tell she was smiling.

"How can you breathe in that when it's this hot outside?"

She shrugged "Drink a lot of water"

"Water? Really?" I asked not believing her. She nodded her head "Oh yeah, helps a lot. Hell comes with benefits too, got clear skin, feeling healthy. Only downside of it is I have to pee a lot." She scrunched her eyes.

I laughed and soon Kendall came over to us "Hey" she told me

I gave her a nod "What's up"

She looked at us both "Jenny, Kylie wants to know if you wanted to play beer pong with her against Lonzo and Gelo" she pointed behind her

Jennifer shook her head no "Nah, I'm good" she said

Kendall raised an eyebrow. Now we both caught onto what she was saying "Actually, now that I think about it, why not show these players what I got?" she said standing up

"Till then Elmo" she raised two fingers together and pressed it against her forehead and did a small salute. Once she was out of the room Kendall sat down next to me "Y'all seem to be besties" she sat back in the couch

"She seems real cool. Hard to not wanna to be her friend." She flicked my head. "Girl" I mugged at her

She waved her index finger between us "Stay here"

I raised an eyebrow "And what is exactly here? All we doing is going in circles. Does it look like I'm a track star?"

She huffed "No like seriously, I'm genuinely confused on us. You always going back to your ex and then keep on coming back to me when things don't work out."

"It's complicated"


"Because, I'm still trying to get over him" she groaned

"Well until then" I put my cup down "Let me know how it goes, cause I'm done playing these games" I fixed my shirt

"If anyone ask, I went back to my hut" I said grabbing my phone.

When we first got here I couldn't get my own hut because they were all booked. But they had a couple leave today and asked if I wanted. I accepted and while we were gone some of the workers went and moved my stuff.

I walked outside seeing storm clouds. "It's just not my day" I groaned

I got to my hut and i clocked the door. Then I heard thunder soon rain falling "Close call" I told myself.

I went to the bedroom to change out of these clothes into something comfortable. I'm hungry but with how this storm is acting, I don't think they will deliver food.

I was watching tv then the lights started to flicker on and off. Soon the room phone ringed. I picked it up and heard "A cyclone storm in approaching. We would like to ask all of our residents and visitors to stay in their huts until the storm past." Then the line ended. I put the phone back.

I called Zo "Where you at? We been looking for you"

"I'm at my own hut. I'm just calling to see if y'all made it back"

"Oh yeahhh, I forgot you got your own. But yeah, we made it back. Ion know about the girls though. They seemed all sorts of confused on what to do." I laughed

"Aye, why Kendall upset?"

"I ended things"

I heard him cheer "Oh my god thank youuu! We gotta celebrate once this storm passes over. I mean the whole nine yards. Drinks on a boat, clubs something. We gotta go crazy"

"Uh sure" I told him knowing I ain't doing none of that.

"Dadaaaaa!" I heard Zoey yell

"Well gotta go" I said and hanged up.

I put my phone down and my door opened. I walked to the front and grabbed a long wooden block. For when you want your windows up I guess. I had a good grip and slowly walked up to the front. The door opened and right when the door closed I swing hitting their thigh. They pushed the wood off and kicked me then I felt a punch to my face

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