LA 4.9

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5 Months Pregnant (Mackenzie's Birthday) (September)
"No, get the fuck off of me" Mackenzie said

I just got done messing with her and her hormones kicked in. I made a joke about the babies getting bigger. Then I noticed her having a stretch mark. Now she mad at me for pointing it out. "I said I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to make fun of you" I said not letting her go

"Let me go or we are going to be late for this doctor's appointment" she said trying to get out of my grasp.

I still held onto her "Are you gonna forgive me?" I asked

She stayed still and didn't say anything "I guess we stuck here and gonna be late" I told her

She signed "Lamelo Lafrance fucking Ball" she groaned loudly

"If you do not let me go, I'm gonna punch you in your dick" she threatened. I scoffed "And we both know how hard I punch, let me the fuck go"

I signed and let her go. "Getting on my nerves this early on my birthday. Not in the mood for this shit" she growled

I grabbed her bag for her and she snatched it from me. "Come on Mackenzie, I said I was sorry." She walked out the front door and headed out to the car. I grabbed the car keys and my phone then headed out the door. After I closed the door I made sure it was locked, it's something I do every time, but there has been a robber going around here breaking into houses.

I walked to the car and got in the driver's side. I closed the door and started the car. "You make sure the door is locked?" she asked me

I nodded my head. "Backyard?" she added

"Right before we got into our little fight" I told her

She nodded her head. I started to back out the driveway and the we headed to the doctor's appointment. She wouldn't talk to me or look at me. "Mackenzie, seriously I didn't mean to make you upset." I truly didn't mean to make her upset. I actually was trying to make it into a good thing.

Right now, we are a room waiting for the doctor. Gelo texted me a while ago about how him and the family are at the house setting up the house for a surprise party for Mackenzie. She didn't really want to do nothing for her birthday because she said she isn't in the mood. She won't tell me why but she just says she doesn't feel like this year. So Gelo and them are setting up the house for a home movie theater and we plan on watching movies all day. I can't make it for the beginning because I have practice, but I can stay long enough to see everyone surprise her, when I get back home from practice everyone is still going to be there and we will still watch movies.

"So you just not gonna talk to me today?" I asked

She still didn't say anything. "Mackenzie come on, please just talk to me" I begged. I don't like it when she does this. I always feel bad but it always last so long. One time she went like three days without talking to me.

She signed "You for real mad at me for pointing out your stretch mark?"

She shook her head no "No" she answered

She turned her head to me since she was laying down on the exam bed. "Its my first birthday without Jordan" She signed

I got up and walked to her. "I mean yeah, I've spent my birthday without her because momma and daddy wouldn't let me see her, but she always managed to send a letter or call. It just kinda hurts that I'm not getting a call or letter from her this year... or ever" she chuckled a little to seem not too hurt.

"I'm sorry, I forgot" I signed. I held her hand "I miss her" she said

She sat up and wiped her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her. She laughed a little "Look at me crying at the doctor's office" she sniffled

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