Atlanta 2.5

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next day
We were in the waiting room. The police officers were talking to Jordan. They wouldn't let us stand outside her room, because it would look like we were trying to make her stick to our story. So we waited outside. "Melo"

"Yeah?" I asked looking at her. "Do you think we will get to take her home?"

"I hope" I said

She nodded her head "Thank you for doing that. I know it wasn't easy" she said and held my hand. I gave her hand a kiss "Of course"

Soon the police officers came out and we all stood up. Johnathan Jones and Grace Jones." he told them

"You're both under arrest for the child abuse to Jordan Jones, Mackenzie Jones and Micheal Jones" he said

Both of their mouths dropped and two cops came up to them and put them in handcuffs. They started to go on and on about how it wasn't right and stuff like that. Once they were gone we went back to Jordan's room. She seemed more weaker than yesterday. "Hey hey heyyy" she smiled

We both walked in "Good news" Mackenzie said walking over to her to sit next to her on the bed. I sat down by her legs "What?" she asked

"They are gone" Mackenzie smiled at her

"Gone?" Jordan asked

Mackenzie nodded her head with her eyes welling up "They got arrested lil sis" she said caressing her cheek.

Jordan started to cry out of joy and Mackenzie comfort her "It's gonna be alright" she said with her lips trembling.

"Melo I still want to learn how to dunk" Jordan told me. I laughed "Well key is, lifting and eating right" I told her

"Bet, I can do that" she smiled.

Mackenzie was outside talking to Kylie catching her up on what's about to go down. "Melo.."

"What's up superstar?"

"Do you love my sister?" she asked

I sat down next to her "Of course I do" I said

"Good, cause if you were on some funny business, I would've whooped that ass. On the court and with my hands" she said

"Now I thought we were friends" I pretended to be shocked.

"Yeah we are, but know that my sister always comes before you. Plus I'm gonna steal yo thunder. So enjoy the fame for now, but once I make it, ain't no one gonna pay attention to you." she said pointed at me. We both laughed.

I laughed "It's like that?" I asked jokingly

She laughed a little "I'm tired" she said

"Well you go to sleep. Get some rest" I said. She gave me a small smile "Thanks but I'm waiting for Mack to come back in" she said

Sooner than later Mackenzie came back in "Everything good?"

"Just talking" Jordan said. "Yeah, okay. She threaten the beat me up"

Mackenzie laughed "You did the sister thing?" She asked Jordan

Jordan nodded her head. "This is normal?" I asked shocked

"Oh yeah, you ain't the first guy she said the too" she said

I stuck my neck out "Huh?" I said making them laugh at me.

"How many guys were there exactly?" I asked "Don't worry about it" Jordan said

"Nah, I wanna know" I stated and they went onto a different conversation like I want sitting here shook.

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