LA 2.1

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Jennifer's Birthday
It was after our game we just won. I was heading to my car when I got a call from Jennifer. I answered it and put it up to my ear "Hello?" I heard music in the background.

"My babeyyyy!" she yelled. I could tell she was drunk by the way she was slurring her words

I laughed "I see you're having fun" I laughed

She giggled "I only had a few shots. But don't tell anyone, I'm still underage" she laughed

I laughed "Your secret is safe with me, just be careful please" I told her

"Not you too. Kylie already on my ass about that" she groaned. "Hey look at Kylie and I agreeing" I laughed

She laughed "Oh my god you're right. I gotta tell her" she laughed

"No you don't" I said

"Well I just wanted to call to say that you are still more than welcome to come to the party. I sent you the address already. Also wanted to say thank you for making 35 points"

"Anything for my babeyy" I laughed

She laughed "Okay but please come to the party. It's starting to get boring without you" she whined "Nuh uh, you there so it gotta be fun" I joked

"Well true, but still I rather have my man here. Kendall doing to much staring and I got my rings on TO-NIGHT" she yelled

I chuckled while getting in my car "I'll be there birthday girl" I told her

"Thank youuu" she shouted

"I'll be there soon. Be careful till then"

"Yes be careful, then when you get here I am twerking all over you" she slurred

I laughed "Can't wait" I said

"Bye babeyyy" she singed and hanged up.

I laughed and headed back to my place to get ready.

I walked in and instantly saw her at a table. I walked down the stairs and went up to her table "What are you doing here?" Kylie asked

"I invited him" Jennifer said wrapping her arms around me

Kylie took a sip of her drink "Okay" she said

Jennifer scooted over and I sat by her. I threw my arm over her and gave her a peck on her head "Mmm that's nice" she said with her eyes closed

"Enjoying the party?" I asked

She nodded her head and then gasped "I'm about to do a freestyle" she clapped

"Oh lord" I joked rolling my eyes

She laughed. Soon Kendall came up to the table with Devin. I raised my hand at him "What's up man?" I said and he took my hand and we dapped each other.

"Nothing, but aye we saw the game at the bar and my guy 35 points?" He said geeking

"Aye had to do it to them" I shrugged jokingly.

"I told him to drop 30" Jennifer said jumping into our conversation

"And he drop five more than he had to?" we laughed and dapped.

"All for his girl" she looked at me and I gave her a smile. I could tell she was smiling. Her drunk ass.

Kendall seemed mad that we were getting along. They sat down across from us. Jennifer kept making jokes and goofing off making us laugh. Kendall kept looking over at us and I would catch Jenny caring her.

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