LA 3.2

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One Day Before Valentine's Day

So told me to come to the studio knowing damn well I do not wanna sit there. But I went. 

When I got there I walked in and headed to the room he was in. "Elmo?" I heard. Only one person calls me that. I turned around seeing Mackenzie. I smiled and she came up to me. I gave her a hug "How are you?" I asked

"I am doing great. How have you been?" 

I shrugged "Alright, just practice, nothing much" I laughed a little

"What are you doing here? You just got done releasing an album" I said

"Oh I'm here for a friend. I just got done producing a song for him for his album" I nodded my head "Look at you producing now" 

She laughed "Who is it?"

"Polo G"

"Wow you are just really making moves huh?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled under a mask "I'm honestly kinda surprise, I thought after rehab I would flop but it's the complete opposite" she explained

"Man, it's you. Ain't know way you gonna flop" I told her

She gave me a small shove "Where you heading?" she asked

"Zo ass begged me to come here knowing he got like five of his friends here" I groaned

"Well I am finna go get something to eat and head out to rehearsals for the club for my performance tomorrow night. Wanna come?" 

I nodded my head "Yeah, Zo will be okay" I said

She laughed and we walked out to the cars. She went up to this black SUV "Hey Sam, tell Kylie I'm riding with a friend. You can take the day off, tell the kids I said hi" she said and walked to my car 

"Yo can I drive the Rolls Royce?" she asked

"Hell no" I said getting in the car

She got in "Man whatever, I can drive" she said putting her seat belt on

"Say that to the dent in my Lambo" I said starting the car

She laughed "Oh my god I forgot" she laughed

I started to drive to where she was picking up her food. When we got there she waited in the car for them to bring her food. Zo called me and I answered "Where you at little nigga?"

"Oh my bad, I'm hanging out with Jennifer" I said

"Nigga what just happened?" he asked shocked

"I could have sworn you guys just broke up"

"3 months ago" I said

"Damn really? Seems like it was yesterday" he said

I laughed "Anyways I'll be over your place later" 

"Alright" he said and hanged up.

I looked over seeing her on her phone "Who you texting?" I asked

She laughed 

"G think he funny. Finna get punch" she said

She put her phone down and looked at me. "You watched the show?" I nodded my head 

"Every bit." I signed

"What did those cards say?" I asked laughing

She laughed "I mean you drunk all three sodas when you read the cards" 

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