LA 3.1

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Mackenzie's POV

"Mackenzie come on you need to be on stage" Kylie shouted. I took a deep breath. This was my first interview since I've been out of rehab. I feel much better, like so much. We kept it on the low that I went because then my career would have just fallen if it got out. So we told fans I am taking a small break from social media and that's when I checked in.

"On my way" I said putting my mask on and walking out the dressing room. When I got to the side of the stage they hooked up the microphone on me under my shirt. I got on stage once they announced my name and waved at everyone. 

I sat down on the chair next to James Cordon's desk. "Oh my god, I am so happy that you are here with us tonight" he smiled

"Me too" I responded

"Well I want to talk about your album first. It's called 'Own It' and it just got released, already hitting number 1 on the charts the second day of it being out" he said and people started to applaud. I laughed a little smiling real big under my mask. 

"So tell us about your album"

"What I did with it was just throw in a bunch of stuff. By that I mean, like emotion. There is break up songs, songs to make you feel like you the baddest out there, songs that just make you wanna dance.  So that album is called Own It, because you know, own your feelings. Own it up, because only you know what you feeling." I explained

"Plus, we all know that we be switching our moods so quick" I laughed making him laugh

He smiled "That is true, I played it with my wife expecting her to dance and she just stared at me weirdly" he said looking at me 

I laughed because they way he was looking at me "So... why isn't my wife owning it?" he asked me

I shrugged "Maybe she just wanna own it with her friends" 

He laughed "Next" he said making all of us laugh.

"So let's talk about love life" he said

I laughed a little out of being nervous. "That okay with you?"

I nodded my head "So you are dating NBA star Lamelo Ball" were

I laughed a little and he took that as a answer

"All of a sudden you guys unfollow each other back in October and have me freaking out" he said making me laugh. "No, I told my wife my... what's it called? OTP, one true pair, broke up. She said 'I thought we were your OTP?' I told her 'We are not Lamelo and Jennifer" he said making all of us laugh. I gasped a little then laugh.

When everyone calmed down he looked at me "So I want to know what happened"

I took a deep breath from laughing "Well back in October, Melo and I were just goofing off and made a bet saying like 'Whoever follows the other first has to buy the other a pair of shoes' I was determined to win because there were these shoes I really wanted"

"But you guys hardly posted each other afterwards"

"Well also in October I lost someone very close to me. So I wasn't in the best of place to be on social media" I shrugged

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss"

I nodded "Thank you"

"Did Melo care for you?" he asked in a 'If he didn't I will send people to beat him up' way

I laughed and nodded my head "Yes he did, Melo is such a caring person he took great care of me when I was going through it"

"It so great you have a man who takes care of you" he smiled

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