Atlanta 1.1

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"Another great game" I told Jordan smiling.

She gave me a high five. I saw a bruise on her forearm. She caught me staring and moved it. "Can you give me a ride?" she asked out of breathe. "I thought your mom was giving you a ride?"

She shook her head no "Daddy told her I'm old enough to walk home by myself. But when I do this gang always try to mess with me because of my older brother" she said

"I don't like walking home at dark especially." she added

"Yeah I'll give you a ride" I said grabbing her bag for her. We walked to her car "Are you able to come to tomorrow's game?"

I shook my head no "I got camp starting tomorrow" We got in my car and I started to drive.

"So you not liking it here?" I asked

She shook her head no "I miss my sister. She made it more fun or safer"

"She did?" she nodded her head

"She would always walk me to and from my games, school. If I wanted to go somewhere she would make sure I was safe. She knew how to shake down these thugs" she laughed

"Always wore her rings just in case someone tried her or me." That was funny. zit reminded me of Jennifer because she always joke about putting her rings on when she is about to fight me.

"Well when was the last time you talk to her?" I asked

"Last night. Momma says I shouldn't be talking to her anymore because she isn't a good influence, but she is the only person I can talk to sometimes. She relates to things" she shrugged

"Jordan can I ask you something?" I said parking in front of her house.

She started to fidget with her fingers "Where did that bruise come from?" I asked

She signed "I fell."

"You don't have to lie to me. You can tell me the truth. I won't tell anyone"

"That's what they all say" she chuckled

I looked at her confused "The teacher asked the same thing before we moved out to New Orleans. I told her and momma and daddy lied. Once the room was cleared daddy's anger issues kicked in" she signed

Anger issues?

"Jordan who exactly is your sister? Like what's her name?"

"Mackenzie but we all call her Mack" she explained

"Why did she ended up leaving you guys?"

"She didn't leave, momma and daddy kicked her out because she started something to help her with college."

"I wish she took me sometimes"

I gave her a small hug. "You never answered my question about the bruise"

"Daddy got anger issues" she said


She looked up at me "Melo please don't tell anyone. Please. He will-"

"I'm not gonna tell anyone" I told her.


I signed "Okay"

She nodded her head "Let me take you inside"

We both got out and when we got to the stairs she turned to me "You're not gonna tell anyone right?"

I nodded my head "Come here"

She gave me a hug "Is your sister Jennifer?" I whispered

She kinda froze "You can tell me"

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