Baton Rouge 1.1

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September (2 Months Later)
"Jennifer when can I see this outfit?" I asked with my eyes closed. We were at at her house and she was trying on this outfit that Kylie got her for her to wear to her birthday party. I figured out what school she goes to too. LSU which is in Baton Rouge.

"Okay open" she said

I opened my eyes to see her wearing a short pink dress kinda loose at the top front. "I love it" I smiled

She laughed "It isn't too much?" she asked

"For these other niggas yeah, but for me that is perfect" I said standing up walking around her. She laughed "Look at dat booty" I laughed putting my hand on it

She laughed more after I squeezed it. "So this a yes or no?"

"Yes" I smiled looking at her and bite my lip.

We started dating back in August. It was like a week before my birthday when she said we could give it a try. With everything with her and me, things seemed to be running smoothly.

"You excited for your birthday?" I asked

She signed "I don't even want to go to this party" she groaned reaching back to try to undo the zipper

I moved her hands and undid the zipper "How come?"

"You remember my older brother I was talking about?" she asked. She turned around and took the dress off making me suck in air "He was my twin" she said walking over to her clothes.

"So you both have the same birthday" I said

"I mean that's how twins work" she laughed after putting on her sweat pants.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her "I'm sorry to hear that baby" I said

She gave me a kiss "I just don't want to go to a party and pretend I'm happy when really I miss my brother" she said placing her head on my chest

"So he was only seven when he past?"

She nodded her head "Daddy told him he needs to protect his family and made him join a gang. They told him to do something to prove he could be gang worthy and the rivals killed him" she said with her voice shaking

"Hey calm down" I said

She sat down on the bed "You would think after 12 years I could tell his story without crying" she laughed while wiping her eyes

"It's okay to cry" I said

She smiled a little "He would had been on your ass every time he saw you" she said making me laugh

"Even though he was ten minutes older than me, he sure was protective as hell" she laughed

Jennifer put her hoodie on. "Well I just know I would have been annoyed but terrified of him" I said making her laugh

"You would have." she smiled

I gave her a kiss. "Thank you for making me feel better." I smiled "Of course"

She wrapped her arms and legs around me falling back on the bed "Come to the birthday party" she said

"I got a game, remember?"

"Well I want 30 points dropped on they ass for my birthday. Plus a win" she said

I laughed "I gotchu"

"Hey babeyyyy I'm heading out real quick" I shouted

"Okay babeyyy" she shouted back

It's this thing we do. Bae-beeee.

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