New Orleans 1.1

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Basketball Camp
New Orleans
"Line up" the coach shouted after blowing the whistle.

The little kids lined up at the baseline. "To end the camp, we always have a scrimmage game. So we are going to split up into teams" The kids got excited and all started to claim who is captain.

The coach started to assign teams. While he did that I heard my phone ringing. Everyone quiet down wonder who's phone that is. "Oh my fault" I ran to my bag grabbing my phone. I answered it.

"Yo I'm at camp" I whispered

"What are you doing next week?" Kendall asked

I groaned cause this girl is blowing me "You really interrupted me during this camp to call me about that?"

"Yeah, so what are you doing? Because Kylie is taking some friends somewhere and she said I can bring a friend" she explained

"Hey Melo we got the teams set up" The coach shouted. "Okay here I come" I shouted back

"I can't I'm going somewhere with Zo" I answered

"How about-"

"Listen, I gotta go. Please next time text" I said and hanged up.

I turned my phone off and went back to the kids. "Okay who's team at I on?" I asked

The red team raised their hands "Okay, okay. Let's go"

We started to scrimmage. Even though they are young a lot of them are really good. This kid Jordan, she's a beast! Like amazing. "Okay Jordan" I hyped after she made a back to back three.

She smiled real big and we got back to defense. "Okay last point wins. Almost time to close out" the coach shouted

The kids groaned and I had a small chuckle to their response. "C'mon y'all. Who wants the last point?" I said

They all started to play with they all. It was so much fun playing with them. In the end the Blue Team won. "It's alright. Y'all got next time" I said giving the red team high fives.

We all shook hands saying good game. Then it was time to pack our stuff and head out. I grabbed my bag and saw Jordan with her mom. She seemed upset. I walked over to them "Hey" I said softly

Jordan looked up "What's wrong?" I asked getting down to her level.

She shrugged her shoulders "I don't like losing" she responded

"Gets it from her daddy" her mom added

"Hey I don't like losing games either. But it's part of playing ball. Win some, lose some" I shrugged

"Yeah, but it's worse when you lose in front of one of your idols" she pouted

I gave her a small smile "And what you think I'm upset?"

She looked down "Jordan you went crazy. Do you play like that in all your games?"

She nodded her head "What you did today was amazing. You're a beast. I can definitely see you going pro in the future"

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