Bora Bora 1.3

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"Ah fuck" I groaned

I covered my eye and looked up seeing Jennifer "Why you kick and punch me?"

She held her hand out and I grabbed it "Why you hit me with a fucking wooden block? I thought we was cool?" She pulled me up.

"We ain't cool enough for you walking into my hut as you please" I said tapping around my eye to see how sensitive it is.

"Damn you got some moves" I groaned

"For basketball player you sure do got a swing for a baseball player" She limped into the kitchen "Why you here?" I followed her to the kitchen.

"Well I lost my key card back at the get together, so I went to get a new one. I came in here thinking it's my hut, clearly it's not"


She made us both a bag of ice. We sat down on the couch and she propped her leg up setting the ice bag on the side of her thigh "Doing extra shit hitting people with a block of wood" she snared

"I thought someone was breaking into my hut" I explained

She rolled her eyes "Where you learn to fight like that?" I placed the ice bag softly on my eye

"I been knew how to fight. Where I grew up it wasn't really a friendly place. So I got in fights when people tried me. It wasn't until I got some money is when I went and actually took some classes to fight correctly." she explained

"Well I think both paid off pretty well"

She laughed, then thunder happened and she jumped "You scared of the thunder? What you six or something?"

She hit me with a pillow "Like I said, I grew up in a bad place. So some sounds scare me" she said

I finally understood what she meant. "My bad"

She nodded her head "You got any family?" I asked

She nodded her head "Yeah. Mom and dad, had two siblings." she scratched the back of her head


She shrugged her shoulders "Had an older brother. He passed due to gun violence. Few years later momma and daddy had a baby" she signed

"I'm real sorry to hear that." She nodded her head "It's cool. It was a long time ago. I was only seven"

"Does your family still live there?" She shook her head no "Nah, when I got to college and blew up I help get them out of there. Daddy still lives there because he doesn't want to lose the house since granddaddy had it. He visits time to time"

"How often do you see them?"

She shrugged her shoulders "It's complicated. I don't want to really be around them and they don't exactly support this whole Jennifer thing"

I titled my head a little "It's the actual reason why I cover my face. Just so people won't know I'm their daughter. They feel embarrassed with this whole thing" she explained


She nodded her head laughing "Making songs about fighting people and other niggas private parts? Yeah, they aren't big fans" she laughed

I laughed a little "So they just kicked me out. I haven't talked to them till recently"

"Yet you still pay for the house and everything?"

"Nah, momma didn't want a big fancy house. Only because she thought people would see that Jennifer is her daughter. So I got her this nice house and she doesn't want me paying for all the costs so she tries to but is struggling"

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