Real Quick

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I just wanted to state in no why am I writing Abuse for entertainment. I know a lot of people who have suffered through it. I wanted to shed light on the problem. My friend said I could use one of the times (The one you just read) and put it into the story to show that people go through this daily.

It was very difficult for her to tell me the story and it broke my heart writing it. I'm thankful she is alive and very thankful that she is letting me share her story.

I just wanted to clear the air on that before someone thinks that. No way am I trying to entertain readers by using that. It's a situation that needs to be talk about.

If you or someone you know suffer through abuse: mental, physical, sexual, emotional, etc. please talk to a trust adult or you can talk to me. I am always here if you want to talk.

Very thankful for my friend to offer her story to help people talk about it.

sincerely, ms. writer girl❤️

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