LA 2.3

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One Week Later
I got back to LA since there was a game coming up and coach wanted me to come back. I didn't want to but Mackenzie was basically pushing me out of her house since I was always with her. I still call in to check on her to see if she needs anything. It's the same answer every time "No thank you"

I was at home now on FaceTime with her. "So you excited for school?" I asked

She shook her head no "I don't even know if I want to go anymore. I just don't have the energy" she explained

I signed "Well know that I believe in you"

She laughed a little "Corny ass nigga" I laughed. "Well then, when you coming back to see me?"

"Next month. I'm gonna get like two weeks worth of schoolwork and come up there to do some music, then do this wild n out episode and see my babeyyy" she signed the last part

"I can't wait. Counting the days already" I smiled. She smiled "It's still hard to believe" she signed

"I know, trust me I'm not use to it either" I explained

"You think she would have liked LA?" she asked

I nodded my head "Of course, I'm here." She laughed "I mean like, do you think she would have been happier if I had transferred there?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I think she would have been happy wherever you were. Maybe being in LA was just a plus because she has a bigger opportunity to get a name for herself" I explained

"That isn't why she would loved it there" she told me. I looked at her "She would have loved it because we were all together. That's the only reason she suggested it" she yawned

I smiled "You get any lyrics in?" I asked

"Not any rap ones. Been sad so I've been writing sappy songs" she chuckled.

"You thinking about releasing them?" I asked. She shook her head no "My label wouldn't let me. They want to keep this certain image of Jennifer"

"But there's this one that I really like" she said sitting up to reach over to her nightstand to get her notebook. "What's it's called?"

"Unconditionally" she said with a small chuckle. "I actually really like this one" she smiled looking at it.

"Sing it to me?" I asked

She smiled and shook her head no "I can barely write it without crying. I don't think I'm ready to sing it" she signed putting the notebook back.

"I think that once I finally accept the fact she is gone, I'll be able to, but now.. it just hurts my heart to just be reminded" she explained

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. She had a small smile "Win that game for me. So I know you aren't worried about me"

"Regardless I am going to be worried" I laughed. She laughed a little "Just play the game and win. If you lose well then I know you play your hardest" she smiled

"I guess, but know that I'm still going to be thinking about you"

She laughed "I know, you stay thinking about me when you got your sock"

I rolled my eyes but chuckled a little "I haven't even done that since before your birthday"

"Lie again" she smacked her lips. I laughed making her laugh

"Believe what you want" I waved off. She mean mugged me "Don't wave me off, I will gladly pull up with my rings on" she sassed

"Imma get Dip on you"

"Man he loves me more than he loves you" She rolled her eyes "Dip is my baby and you know it" she smiled

"Chill with that baby shit." She laughed and put her hands up "Dip my baby. Dip my baby. You ain't finna do anything about it cause I'm all the way in Louisiana" she singed while doing a little dance and soon did a freestyle rap of the situation.

It's good to see her goof off. "Okay, okay I get" I shouted over laughing

She laughed "Just wait till you get here. Then I'm on that ass" I pointed

She waved me off "Boy bye, you ain't finna do shit" she laughed

"Oh that's how you feel?" I asked

"No vas a hacer nada" (you are not going to do anything) I laughed

"That ain't fair, you just switched up a whole different language."

"I picked up a little something while growing up" she smiled

"Do it again" I smiled. She laughed "Got a kink or something?"

"I just wanna hear you say something" I shrugged with a smile. Mackenzie rolled her eyes laughing "Me gustaría chuparlo, pero tú todo el camino hasta allí" (a/n: sorry if my spanish is bad)

I smiled "What did you say?" she shook her head no "I ain't telling you."

"You wanna wave your hand at me and shit"

I rolled my eyes "Anyways I know your ass have to get ready for your meeting" she signed

"Don't sound to sad"

She laughed a little "Nah, I'm happy. Always calling me and shit"

"You know you enjoy my presence" I joked. "Not when I have to pause my TV show" she joked too

"Bye Mackenzie" I groaned

She laughed "Bye Elmo" she joked. My mouth fell open and she laughed then hanged up.

"Oh Im finna get on that ass" I laughed

I got up and headed to my bedroom to get dress for the meeting.

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