Bora Bora 1.6

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next day
I got to my hut after getting done going on a hike with Zo and Hayes while Ingram and Gelo went to the bar. When I got there I saw Jennifer outside waiting. "What you doing here?" I asked

"Waiting for you"

I opened the door for her and she walked in. I walked in and then closed the door. "What's up?"

She turned around and looked at me. She had this black spaghetti crop top on with a white tie on skirt with a high slit showing the leg without the bruise. She had a white mask to match. "You blew me off yesterday?"

I raised an eyebrow "You said you weren't coming" I walked past her

"I never said anything because you never texted me"

"I did text you, you said you weren't going" I explained sitting down

"No I didn't" she showed me her phone and the text message conversation between us. All it showed was her text telling me it was her.

I signed and grabbed my phone "Yes you did" I got on my phone and showed her the text messages.

She looked confused by the way her eyebrows farrowed

"I didn't send this, let alone get that text" she said giving me my phone back.

"Well then something is up, because I got that text from your number" I put my phone on the table and she sat down next to me. "I don't remember getting that text, honest to God"

"Well does anyone know your passcode to your phone?" I asked

She was trying to think. "That bitch" she whispered. I looked confused "They know my password because I always miss texts from my manger, so if I'm in the studio they text her back for me" she snapped

She groaned "Ouu she low for that"

I laughed a little "Okay well calm down. We figured out the problem, let's move past it" I said

"She sat back on the couch "How about today we hangout. Let me take a shower and we can go out and go do something on for the day." I could tell she was smiling. "Don't think I'm not still mad at them" she chuckled

"You know you want to be happy about hanging out with me" I joked

She rolled her eyes "I could easily go find another nigga to hangout with" I heard her smacked her lips. "Right, Chris" I said with a small laugh

"Chris?" She asked confused

"Chris Brown? The dude you talking to" I tried to jog her memory

"I haven't talked to Chris in months, he's the one who won't stop texting me. How did you know about him?"

"Kendall told me you guys were about to start something" I shrugged

"Ouu I'm gonna whoop some ass TO.DAY" She said standing up

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back "No, let's not do that"

She looked at me "You really wanna risk something with your career this early?"

"Okay, but you know I don't like people lying on my name"

I pulled her back to sit down. "That's true, but you gotta just let people say what they say sometimes. You know what's up"

I placed my hand on her thigh "So chill"

She chuckled a little rolling her eyes "You a try hard" she said picking up my hand and putting it on my lap.

She leaned back on her arms on the couch. Not going to lie she looks real fine right now. "My bad, didn't mean to cross the line" I pulled my hands up

She giggled and I stood up. "Imma go take a shower then we can head out"

She looked up at me "Alright, Imma be here watching a movie or something."

I walked past her and headed to the shower.

I walked out finished getting dress and everything and headed out to the living room. I couldn't find Jennifer till I saw the balcony slide door open. I went out back "Letting all this cold air out for what reason" I asked walking out and closed the door behind me.

She laughed "Sorry, I came out real quick to take some pictures for the gram" she ran her hand through her natural hair that she had curled. She went up to her phone and pressed a button "Come take a picture with me"

I walked over next to her and she raised her arms having her heels dangle from her fingers and I smiled flipping the camera off. Once the picture was taken she hit my stomach. "Right in that spot" I groaned

She laughed and went and pressed the button on her phone again. "Okay this one a burst" she said

"What do I do on this one?" I asked

"Act like you my boo" she laughed

I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug laying my head on hers. She laughed the whole time. "Okay that was cute" she said walking to her phone

"Not really my type of feed but it will work" she chuckled scrolling through her phone.

"Hey if you want some freaky pictures I gotchu. It's just with whole Kendall thing, I don't want to hear you complain about hearing her mouth"

"Ain't no one worried about her. How she doing me lately is messed up. All because we friends. She drawings the last straw" She was looking at herself on her phone fixing her hair.

She set her phone up again "Alright last burst" she said and pressed the button.

She stood next to me "C'mon get in the picture" she pulled me to her.

I saw the countdown. I decided to get the pictures in her 'type of feed'.

"Okay pick whatever pose you want" she told me pulling her hair out in front of her.

I stood behind but next to her. I put my hand around her neck making her face me and she looked at me. Soon we both bust out laughing breaking away from each other.

Jennifer grabbed her phone "Okay let's go" she laughed

"I can't post that" she chuckled looking at the pictures.

I let out a few small chuckles and opened the screen door for her. She walked in and I walked in and grabbed my things. "Ohh but they are so good" she groaned

We both got into the golf cart and she showed me the pictures. I laughed a little "Send those to me"

I soon started to drive "So where to?" I asked

"The world" she giggled

I smiled "One round trip then"

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