LA 3.4

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One Month Later
After what happened we talked some more. We said to take things slow, but now she is acting strange. She is being distant kinda and I'm kinda getting worried. It started like last week when she started to get distant. I'm trying to shrug it off but its been weird and its been so awkward with us for the past few days.

Right now she was at my house "Alright so what are you making us for dinner?" I asked sitting on the kitchen counter watching her pull out the pots and pans.

She laughed "You mean we?" I scrunched my face and she laughed more "You helping me, cause who I look like cooking all dis food and you not help me" she said

"You really do not want to do that" I warned

"Yeah I do, so wash your hands and start to peel the potatoes" she said adding water into the tall pot. I got off the counter and washed my hands and started to peel the potatoes. "See look, you are actually doing good" she joked

I laughed "What are we making?" I asked

"We are going to do a seafood boil" she smiled

"Going back to my roots, tired of these damn veggie burgers. They know my ass loves meat" she scolded

I laughed "Plus I've been wanting some for a while" she smiled

We hangout still. But just friends. She said that part of her recovery from rehab is to not to rush into a relationship. I told her I understand and just respected her wishes.

"So if you are not suppose to rush into relationships, then does that mean sex is open?" I asked with a small laugh

She raised an eyebrow "I mean we had sex but we aren't in a relationship, so is that allowed?" I asked

She had a small smile "No, that was in the moment" she explained

"Well control yourself when you are in the moment, scratched my back and shit" 

She laughed "That's for giving me all them damn hickeys" she said

I finished the potatoes and put them in the bowl "So when we finna do it again?" I asked walking to the fridge to get some water. She took a deep breath and shook her head no. See, awkward right now. 

I walked over to her and sat on the counter "Sorry if I keep making you uncomfortable" 

She gave me a small smile "You good, you just horny" she smiled while putting a pan on the stove

"Well how come I mention sex, the whole vibe gets killed?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Sometimes I'm not always sex crazy"

"What I'm not doing good anymore?" I asked

She laughed loudly "No, that's not it. You are doing amazing"

"Then what's up?"

She signed "I just got some stuff going on, sex isn't really on my mind as much" she explained

"Anything I can do?" I asked. She nodded her head "You can go grab that list and see if you have any of those seasonings" she said pointing to the list on the table.

I went to the table and grabbed the list. I went to the cabinet and looked through the seasons. When I finished I had literally one "I only have one" 

She sucked her teeth "Bougee ass" she said turning the stove off. She put the potatoes in the fridge "Come on we gotta go to the store" she said walking to the front

"Like now?" She nodded her head and went to the living room. I followed and put some slides on "So we just going to stop everything because we don't have all the seasonings?"

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