LA 1.5

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at dinner
Zo decided to stay at the studio the whole day. So I decided to stay with Jennifer until he called me. But I had to go back once her friend found her. Turns out she is friends with Kylie Jenner. And I'm already not on her good list, because she don't trust me with Kendall. So this just gives her another reason to not like me.

So after that I headed back with the guys and it was just in time too because Zo was finally done. We headed out to this new restaurant up town and it was honestly good. "So Melo you ain't gonna tell us where you were at?" Hayes asked

"Like I said, I was walking around" I shrugged and took a bite of my food.

"You know Kylie Jenner was there? I found her looking for Jennifer when I came out the bathroom" Gelo told us

"Since when did they become friends?"

Zo shrugged his shoulders "It was shortly after when she blew up. They just don't talk much on it. Apparently Jennifer is a private person, as if keeping her identity a secret isn't enough privacy" he scoffed

"Who knows, maybe she still wants to live a normal life as much as possible" I defended. That's what she told me. That she wants to have a normal life.

Ingram smacked his lips "Man whatever, if she doesn't want to be that famous then she shouldn't be doing all this stuff to keep people's attention on her" he said

"Okay Mr. 30 Seconds" I argued

The guys let out a few laughs. Ingram shook his head "Let us know when you last more than thirty seconds, then I'll listen to you" I told him pointing my fork at him.

He rolled his eyes and my phone went off. It was Kendall. I signed and answered her phone call "You know there is a thing called texting" I said standing up walking away from the guys.

"Were you hanging out with Jennifier today?" she asked

"Yeah, and?" I asked. "Wait how did you even find out about that?"

I heard a shuffle sound as if she got up "Kylie came over giving me some long ass talk about to stay clear from you, because she caught you and Jennifer together in some locked room"

I groaned "I knew her ass would snitch"

"Listen, nothing even happened, we just talked. Nothing else" I explained

"Are you sure?" She asked

"I mean, I was there, so I would know" I added

She laughed a little "Plus, we aren't even dating, so there is no reason for you to be worried" I said.

It got quiet for a second "Well, I already told you I wanted a relationship" she responded

"Yet who is the one to ghost the other person for their ex?" I asked

She smacked her lips "Yeah, that's what I thought"

"I'm out with my friends. I'll call you later" I said

"Okay, tell Jennifer I said hi" she thought I was lying. I laughed "Yeah, I'll let her know when I see her again. Till then, I am going to go back to dinner with my friends" I said

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" I hanged up and headed back to my table.

"Who was that?" Zo asked

"Kendall" I signed

They all mugged me "I thought you were going to drop her?" Gelo asked

"Next time she ghost me I will" I took a bite of my food. "I think she is just playing you. There is no way a girl still wants to be with you after ghosting you so many times. You just her back up call" Hayes said

"Bro do not have me come at your neck" I told him

He held his hands up "I'm just saying. You are a raising NBA star, you don't think she just holding on to you?" he asked

I rolled my eyes out of annoyance. "Zo you got an update for that trip?"

"We are able to leave a week after you get back from the summer camp. So make sure you pack"

I nodded my head "I'm ready to go on a vacation not even going to lie" Ingram said

"Ouuu that sand and the view" says Zo getting excited

"I'm ready to go" Gelo said

I laughed "Y'all sound like idiots"

They chuckled "Man we ready to go. But nah we gotta wait for yo ass to get done with camp" Hayes sassed

I laughed more. "You'll survive the next few weeks"

We talked more about the vacation spot and what we will do. "Is Zoey coming?" I asked

Zo nodded his head "I just hope I don't lose her. She is everywhere now"

"I mean, at least her momma gonna be there. Then you would have had no chance in finding her" Gelo added

"Right. Couldn't find Zoey till her momma came back home" I said

Zo laughed "Ha ha. Fuck y'all. You don't know the struggles of being a parent"

"I sure hope I don't. I don't want kids" Gelo made clear

Everyone looked at me "What?"

"You want kids or what?" they asked

I scoffed "With the right person" I answered

They waved me off "Corny ass nigga" Ingram said

"Don't start, there is nothing wrong with wanting to wait for the right person to have kids with" I said

"Bro Melo a soft nigga" Gelo laughed

I rolled my eyes in amusement as they started to burst out laughing at me. "However you wanna take it"

"Don't worry lil bro, there is always the right time, right person" Zo teased

"I see that didn't work out with you" I snapped back

He placed his hand on his chest "Woah now" he pretended to be surprise "We are talking about you, not me and my baby momma" he said

I stayed quiet trying to wait for the subject to fly past us. They kept making jokes about it, which is what they always do. So there is no surprise there. Just gotta wait for it to pass by. Like always

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