LA 4.2

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Next Day
I walked into my house after workouts with Zo and Gelo. "Where you at?" I shouted

"In the kitchen" she shouted back. "Why am I not surprise?" I asked myself

I walked to the living room, on my way there I threw my bag on the living room couch and kept walking to the kitchen. She was making something and it smelled good. I walked in seeing her dancing to some R&B while stirring the pot while also having a spoon in her mouth. I saw a jar of peanut butter opened so I assumed she had that on the spoon.

"What are you making?" I asked walking over to her. I looked over in the pot seeing some noodles in there "Shrimp Alfredo" she said

"Something is wrong with this child. Because I'm craving everything, mostly Chick-fil-a, but I be wanting to eat everything" she said

I laughed "Yeah, don't gotta tell me" I said sitting on the island counter. "How was workouts?" she asked me

I shrugged my shoulders "Tiring, like always" she laughed a little "What did you do for most of the day?" I asked her

She shrugged her shoulders "Talked to my administrator today and looked at some houses." She put the lid over the pot and lowered the heat a little bit and faced me

"Why you do that?" I asked. She tilted her head "I mean do you want your child to live all the way in Louisiana?" she asked.

"Ohhh" I said understanding. She laughed "Yeah, I'm looking into USC because I'm doing really good in school I could go" she shrugged

"Well why you looking for a house? Why not just stay at my place?"

She shook her head "Nah, we aren't even together, so there isn't need for all of that" she explained

I nodded my head "I understand what you mean, but we are in a good enough place we can stay in the same house."

She looked at me and gave me a little smile "Last time we stayed in the same house for a while I got pregnant" she said going to the fridge

"Hey you learn from your mistakes" I held my hands up

She laughed "Well even if we were to, I'm not staying in this house" she said looking around

"What's wrong with my place?" I asked

"I like spacious places. You don't have that" she said

"Okay we will find another place" I told her. She looked at me surprised "What?" I asked

"You would give up your whole house for this baby?" I nodded my head "I want to be there as much as possible. With how my schedule is, if you live somewhere else I won't see them as much, and if I do I will literally never be leaving your house" I explained

"Understandable" she shrugged

She signed "Are you serious?" she asked

I nodded my head "Deadass"

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile "Then I guess we are going to be looking for houses" she laughed a little.

I smiled and she walked over to me. I gave her a hug "See look at us co-parenting. Great start"

She pulled back "Remember there are bumps in the road" she said

"I know" I told her. "But hey, tomorrow is my 13 week appointment" she smiled

"That's great! I can't wait" I said excited

She smiled some more "They are planning on drawing blood so we can figure out the gender early"

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