Miami 4.1

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3 Months Later (June) (NBA Championship Game)
It was game day and it was the final game. We are only three points ahead right now and there is only 20 seconds left. We used our last time out to make up a last minute play.

When we finished we all got back on the court. I wiped the bottom of my shoes and looked to my left seeing Mackenzie sitting at court side. She gave me a small wave and I waved back.

We got in our spots and then the whistle blew. That was my cue to run to my next spot. I quickly got the ball and waited for Lebro. since I had to give him the ball. While he dribbled down the court and I went over to give AD a screen then after h ran I picked and he got the ball. He looked like he was going o do a layup but then passed it to me. Not this shit again.

"SHOOT!" I heard coach yell.

I looked at the clock to see only 5 seconds. I faked left making him go there and pulled back to shoot. This time I did follow through.

Once the ball left my hand the buzzer went off. The ball bounced on the rim a few times till

It went in

We all cheered and ran to our bench. We all jumped onto each other screaming.

After we got done celebrating they announced the MVP of the finals and it was AD, which he deserves because he went really hard this whole game. We all headed to the locker room. I stopped by Mackenzie to give her a hug "Look at you NBA Champ" she said giving me a hug

"That sounds much better than Miss Shot" I said making her laugh

She pulled back "Oh my god we won"

She nodded her head laughing "You won, you are a NBA champion now" She smiled. "I'm so proud of you" she clapped

It all felt surreal. "Hey whenever you have free time can you stop by my room so I can talk to you" she said grabbing her drink from her chair getting her stuff so she can head out.

I looked at her "What's up?" I asked

Before she could say anything AD came up to me "Hey man, they want to do a quick interview" he said pointing over to ESPN

"Okay I'll be over there in a second" I told him

He walked away going to the team with them yelling hyping him up. "What's up?" I asked her

"I'll wait to tell you later. You gotta do your interview" she said grabbing her purse.

"No, seriously tell me, they can wait" I told her

"It's fine, I'll wait till next time I see you" she said

I looked at her "I ain't going over there till you tell me what's up." She shook her head no "I don't wanna distract you from your win and celebration"

"Man the only way you can distract me from a celebration is if you are the celebration" she laughed and gave me a punch.

I laughed "So tell me what's up. It can't be that bad" I told her. She took a deep breath and shook her head.

"You can wait. Celebrate with your team. Have fun go get drunk or something" she joked

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded her head "I'll talk to you when you come by" she smiled

I gave her one more hug and she gave me a kiss on the cheek "Very proud of you Elmo" she smiled. "Thank you" I said

She headed out and I walked over to the camera crew for ESPN

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