Atlanta 2.1

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a/n: just got done writing like seven chapters. good nights don't forget to comment and vote😘

Jordan's POV
After my game I limped to the locker room after falling on my hip that already hurts because of daddy. "Jordan you okay?" Coach asked

I nodded my head "Just real sore" I lied

We went over the win we took. It was a really intense game. The team was ranked #1 in the city, and we just beat them. Overtime came over and watched this one girl on the other team.

When we finished I limped out holding my bag. I had my hoodie on and then headed out. "Yo number 11 wait"

I looked back seeing Overtime Larry "Yo you're Overtime Larry!" I geeked giving him a dap.

"What's up. We saw you out here shopping our star player" he said

I laughed "Should've seen me back in New Orleans" I smiled

"Okay I see you with some game and confidence" he smiled

I laughed a little feeling really excited about this. "We want to set up a Overtime Tryout for you, so you can joint the Overtime Squad."

"Oh shit!" I jumped out of excitement but soon regretted it once I landed because of my hip.

"I'm so down" I said

He laughed "Okay we will meet up tomorrow. Be here around 3pm and we can start it up"

I rapped him "Deal" I said

He headed out and I threw my fist in the air so many times. I pulled out my phone to call Mack. Soon her face appeared "Look at the winner. Good game lil sis" she smiled

"Oh my god Mack the best thing just happened" I said walking

"What?" she asked laughing

"Okay so you know number 20, the girl that is with Overtime?" I asked starting my walk home

She nodded her head "She ain't so good after you dusted her ass" she smacked her lips

"Aye Perrr" I said doing the period motion with my hand

"Listen so Overtime was here to watch her. So you know, yah girl had to outshine that girl" I did a little dance with my shoulders

"As you should lil sis" she yelled

We both laughed "When I left the locker room. Overtime Larry, came up to me asking me to do a tryout to joint Overtime tomorrow" I squealed

Mack screamed "Oh my gosh! Jordy I'm so happy for you!!"

"Yah girl finna make a name of herself" I dance

"Lil sis going to the top! PERIOD" she shouted

We did a little dance laughing "Oh I'm so happy to hear that baby sis. I'm so proud of you" she smiled

"Thank you Mack, means a lot hearing it from you"

"Didn't he have Melo on Overtiem a few times?" she asked. I nodded my head "Yessirrrr, finna be the new Lamelo Ball up in dis bitch" I shouted

She laughed "Perrr" she said

"How are things with you guys?" I asked

She shrugged "Really good. Surprisingly." she said

"Does he know you are my sister?"

She shook her head no "Nah, I don't want him to think some type of way" she explained. "Does he know your face? Name?"

"Face yes, name, no" she said

I looked at her "He already knows enough about me. He can settle with Jennifer" she said

"Okay but when y'all doing the nasty, I know you want him to be saying your name" I said and her mouth fell open. "Jordan Grace Jones" she laughed

"No way did you just say that to me" she laughed

"Don't even lie, y'all be getting busy" I said laughing. "Well yes, but you don't need to worry about that"

"Yeah, you be getting mad he doesn't say your actual name" I told her. She rolled her eyes "For your information MISS KNOW IT ALL"

I laughed "He be calling me baby or baby girl" I did a gag "Okay next subject" I laughed

"You tell him you got the tryout?" I shook my head no "Nah, I wanted to tell you first"

She smiled "I'm flattered" she said

"You look good in Mikey's chain" I told her

She smiled and messed with it "Thanks to you, I'm never taking it off. But don't worry, I'll get you a chain to match" she smiled

"Deal" I said

I got to my house "Alright, I'm back at hell. Thanks for staying on the phone with me" I said

"Of course. Don't worry, I will find a way to get you out of there".

I smiled and blew a kiss "Bye sissy"

"Bye baby sis" she blew me a kiss and hanged up.

I sat down on the stairs on the front porch and called Melo "Wassup superstar" he smiled

"Guess what happened" I smiled

"You got an Overtime tryout?" he smiled

"How did you know?" I laughed

"Larry called me to get some info on you. He always does his research. So I let him know what's up. He sounds real excited to work with you" He told me

"I told my sister and she said she was so proud of me. I swear my heart skipped a beat"

"Aw, I would be proud too if I was her. Not saying I'm not, I am proud" He laughed

We talked about the game and what I could work on. "Like I said, literally nothing. You are doing amazing." he said

"Are you sure? Because if I go to this tryout and I mess up, I'm blaming you" I joked. "I put that on my NBA career that you will do just fine" he said

"Oh you confident confident" I laughed

"Well after the tryout, can you teach me how to dunk?" I asked

His eyes widen "You want to dunk?"

I nodded my head "Yeah, you know how much credit I could get if I'm dunking on bitches?" I laugh.

He laughed "Okay. We will see"

"Okay well I wanted to call you and tell you but yo ass already knew"

He laughed more "Okay, sorry to spoil the fun" He laughed

I rolled my eyes and we said bye. I headed inside the house. "I'm home" I shouted

I didn't get a response. I went upstairs and heard a sound come from their room. I gagged "Y'all too old for that" I said to myself

I put my headphones in and went in my room. I threw my bag on the floor and laid down.

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