LA 2.4

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One Month Later (November)
Mackenzie is suppose to be in LA. She wants me to come to her hotel room before she heads out to do this Wild N Out episode. Which is where I am heading to now.

She called me and I pressed the answer button on my car "Where are you at?" she groaned

"I'm literally about to pull up." I laughed. "It ain't funny, you said we could pull a quickie"

I laughed more "I think you are gonna wanna walk while you on this show." I heard her smack her lips "Mane, I was walking last time" she sassed

I finally got to the hotel "I'm about to come up. Put a pin on this conversation" I said and hanged up.

I parked my car then headed up to her room. I got to the elevator and the doors opened to Kendall and Kylie. "Great, it's you" Kylie signed

"Good thing we are leaving now" She said walking out the elevator. Kendall came up to me "Check the blue bag" she whispered and left.

I raised an eyebrow and laughed it off. Like I'm gonna check this girl's stuff. Tryna get me a black eye. I got in and pressed her floor button.

While I was waiting I got a text from her. "Nigga hurry up, damn😑"

I laughed then the doors opened. I walked to her room and knocked. "Who is it?" she shouted

"Pizza guy" I laughed

"I wanted Melo but I guess you alright" I heard her say. She opened the door showing her in a silk robe and laughed once she saw my face. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" she said pulling me in and cupped my face

I moved her hands "Nah, you on some funny shit" I joked

She laughed more and closed the door. She pulled me to her and gave me several kisses "Alright, you ain't slick" I said

She groaned "Melo come on"

I shook my head no "You need to walk on the show" I said walking to the couch.

I sat down and she came over to me getting on top of me and straddled me. "Pleaseeee" she singed making us laugh.

She gave me a kiss "As much as I want to, you need to walk" I joked

She started to move her hips back and forth "Still not giving in"

She untied her robe and I tried to prepare myself for what I was going my to see. All it was, was her in my favorite set of hers. I took a deep breath to try to contain myself. I looked at her and gave her a small smile "Nope"

She groaned making me laugh. She got off and I gave her a kiss "When you come back" I smiled

She rolled her eyes "But I got a question"

She looked at me while tying her robe strings "What's up?"

"Why Kendall trippin over some blue bag?" I asked. She scoffed "She just tryna start shit"

I nodded my head "Okay." I smiled

She stood up and went to her room. She walked back out with a blue bag. She tossed it to me "I didn't ask to see it" I looked confused

"Well if this relationship gonna work, we gotta trust" she said

I opened it with a signed because I really didn't want to look in it. All it contained was just makeup. "Okay" I shrugged and gave it back.

She took it and tossed it on the chair "You got anything you hiding?" she sat down next to me

I shook my head no "I ain't got nothing to hide" I shrugged. She flicked my head "What you hiding?" she asked

"Nothing" I laughed. She looked at me funny since I was laughing "I swear on our relationship, I am not hiding shit from you. If I was it would just be a present"

She relaxed "Okay" she said. I gave her a kiss. She smiled "Melo come on, just a quick one" she laughed

I laughed "I ain't touching you till you leave" I said backing off her. "Stop fucking playing with me" she pulled my arm to be around her and I laughed wrapping both of my arms around her showering her face with kisses "Okay stop, you're gonna mess up my make up" she laughed

I rested my face in the crook of her neck. She moved her hand up to mess with my curls "My big baby" she joked

I laughed a little. I closed my eyes since I was comfortable. Soon I heard her humming. I opened my eyes seeing her recording me. I laughed a little making her chuckle. "Big baby"

"Man whatever, I'm tired" I responded closing my eyes. She laughed "Trying to seem tough on camera, outta be ashamed" she joked

I heard her nails hit the screen on her phone. I was honestly going to fall asleep. "What you do to make you tired?"

"Practice, then had a meeting" I yawned

She gave my head a kiss "I guess you can sleep" she chuckled

"Don't let me make you late, I'm not tryna hear Kylie's mouth" I said referring to the time when she first came over to my house, she stayed and missed a meeting. Kylie called me and was going off talking about that I was distracting her and shit.

She laughed "Okay, I'll make sure to tell you when I need to put my clothes on" she chuckled a little

I smiled and soon fell asleep.

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