New Orleans 1.2

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A  week later and I haven't talked to Jennifer. I felt too.... guilty. I guess you can say. After I said for her to take off her mask, she did. I saw a little bit of her features. From what I can make out, she is gorgeous. Like drop dead gorgeous. She has a nose piercing of a small diamond. But it was still really hard to see her since the bedroom light was shining in my eye

But after saying that she took her mask off, then I made my move. I kissed her, her lips felt so soft, they were plumped. She then climbed on top of me. I laid down having her on top. I didn't know if it was the champagne or what but I stopped her and said "We shouldn't be doing this."

She looked kinda confused and I sat up causing her to get off me putting on her mask. I told her we are drunk and shouldn't be doing that. That we were just trying to be friends.

I got up grabbed my stuff and left. At the time I didn't feel bad till I got to my hut. Because she said we were just friends, we just had too much to drink. Ever since I felt bad about that night and haven't talked to her.

"Melo" I heard

I looked over seeing Jordan come in "What's up gang?" I said giving her a hug.

"Did you have fun on your trip?" I nodded my head "It was awesome, but I was ready to head back and see what you got" I joked

She laughed "Talked to your sister recently?"

She nodded her head "Momma said I can't see her, said that I would be putting myself in a unsafe environment" she explained

"I'm sorry to hear that" I told her

"Yeah, we both cried about it this morning, but she said she would try to come to some of my games and if not she will always call"

"Well that's good to hear" I smiled

We walked to the gym and she got with her team to do warmups. I sat down in a chair and people came up wanting a picture and all. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Jennifer.

"Hello?" she croaked

"Hey, I was just calling to uh.. apologize"

She had a small laugh "It's cool Miss. Shot. I understand, it was probably best to not do that at the time"

"Yeah" I agreed. I heard her sniffle and I got concerned "Are you crying?"

She laughed again "Is it that noticeable?" she laughed

"What happened?" I asked

"I just got some tough news today. That's it. I'll be fine" she said

"Well do you want to me to come over or something?" I asked. She had a small chuckle "Nah, you go back to Jordan's game. I just know she is over the moon that you are there"

I chuckled a little "Okay, you sure you are going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine. Maybe later you can come over" she said

I raised an eyebrow. "You are in New Orleans?" I asked

"Aht you thought" she laughed sounding like herself

I laughed "You thought you had something" she laughed

"But now I'm at my house. I just live like 3 hours from there" she said

"Ohh" I said

"Well I'll let you know if I can come over or not" I explained

She laughed a little "Okay, enjoy the game Melo"

"I will, you get better. I mean it too. I don't like hearing you being sad"

"Okay will do. Next time you hear me you will hear pure joy" she joked

"Okay" I smiled

"Bye Melo"

"Bye Jenny" I smiled

I heard a small chuckle and she ended the call.

After the game Jordan's team won. She had 25 points this game and 10 rebounds. "How I do?" she asked coming up to me.

I gave her a high five "Amazing. Getting more points than I get in a game." That made her laugh.

"You got a ride home?" I asked

"Momma is usually here at fourth quarter to pick me up. If not then I walk home" she shrugged

"Well I'll text your mom saying I'll give you a ride" I told her

We both walked to my car and got in. "Ouu I'm so happy about today. I can't believe you actually got to watch me play in person" she geeked out

I laughed a little "I was excited to come" I said and started the car.

"You don't even need the help. You are basically set to get a scholarship sometime soon" I said

She smiled big and squealed "I'm over the moon with this" she signed

Over the-

I had a small chuckle "What?" she asked

"Nothing." I said thinking about what Jennifer said

"My friend said that you would be over the moon about this whole thing" I explained

"Just kinda funny hearing that twice I guess" I shrugged

She directed me to her house and I parked. "Come on in Melo" she said

I laughed a little and turned the car off. I got out and locked the doors after closing mine. I followed her to the door and she used her key to let herself in. "Momma I'm home! Melo is with me!" she shouted

I heard some R&B music playing. I walked in with her and looked around seeing trophies and pictures. "Oh Melo hi. I didn't know you were coming in, I would have freshen up more in here" Mrs. Jones said coming downstairs

"It's fine, it looks great in here" I said looking around

"Yes, sadly we can't stay that long" she said walking to the kitchen

I looked surprise "Momma couldn't pay something for the house so now we have to move back to Atlanta with daddy" Jordan told me

"Really?" I asked

She nodded her head "We should be back next week." Her mom said sitting down at the kitchen table.

I sat down next to her "This house was a nice gift, but I can't keep up with it" she said

I looked over seeing a picture of a guy wearing a old vintage coca-cola shirt "Who's that?" I asked pointing to the picture

"That is my older son Mikey. God bless his soul" she said

I looked at her "He was in a gang and did something to the rivals. In return they shot him. We still get threats about it till this day" she explained

"I'm so sorry to hear that"

She gave me a small smile "Thank you"

I stayed a little and we talked and got to know more of each other. Each time Jordan brought up her sister her mom was quick to shut it down. Which made Jordan more sad.

a/n: y'all picking up what i'm putting out?

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