LA 1.7

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She leaned in closer to me "You don't know what you saw" she told me

"Yes I do" I said

"I'm not going to tell anyone. Why can't you trust me?"

"I just met you" she said

"A month ago" I said

"Not enough trust is build up in a month. Yeah I told you life stories and personal shit. But this is my career. This is the way I pay for college. If one person leak this shit I'm over" she said

"I'm not going to leak anything" I said

She was freaking out. I was surprisingly calm "I will not tell anyone. You have my work" I said

She signed. She lifted her hand to grab her mask but she hesitated. "Melo.."

"I'm just saying I know what you look like. You can trust me."

She closed her eyes and then took her mask off. This time I could see her. Clearly. And I was right. Absolutely gorgeous. I smiled at her which caused her to smile "You're really gorgeous"

She laughed a little "Corny ass nigga" she laughed

I laughed "Your secret is safe with me" I said

She nodded her head. "I'm trusting you with that" she said

I smiled "Okay so we move on"

She smiled "I have one more question before I do what I'm gonna do" she said

"What?" I asked

"Do you care what Kendall thinks about us? All she says and everything?"

I shook my head no "I'm not talking to her anymore. Why would I care?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"Cool" she smiled

"So what were you finna d-" she cut me off my kissing me. I was shocked at first and then kissed her back.

She got on top of me and straddled me. "I'm sorry but I couldn't stopped thinking about what happened in Bora" she said in between kisses

"Me too" I told her

She unzipped my jacket and pushed it off. I pulled my shirt off and lifted her hoodie then she took it off reveling her black laced bra. I moved her hair and started to kiss her neck. She let out soft moans. After a while of kissing her body she pulled me back to kiss her lips. I put my hands on her belt to undo it and then I undid her pants. "I really hope your confidence is right" she breathed out while undoing my strings to my joggers.

"You still on that?" I kissed her with a small laugh.

When she finished I held onto her thighs and stood up holding her. I walked to my room.

I laid her down on the bed and let my hands travel around her body. I kissed her neck a few times leaving small hickies "All this damn touching" she huffed

I laughed a little pulled back to let her sit up and I undid her bra strap. She took it off throwing it somewhere in the room. I laid her back down and pulled her pants and her black laced underwear she matched with her bra. I threw both of them in the same direction she threw her bra. I took the rest of my clothes off and climbed on top of her.

We were in my bedroom laying down on the bed. "You right, you and Bi are two completely different people" she said with a small laugh

I laughed "I tried telling you, did you listen? Noooo" I joked

She laughed "Okay so you can handle it" she breathed heavy

"Yeah, but did you handle it?" I asked

She shook her head no "Not even gonna lie, I never thought this could happen. Usually I'm the one making niggas go crazy" she turned to her side and laid her head on her hand

"Hey you made me go crazy, but I just had to show you who boss" I laughed when she hit me.

I laughed then we heard someone's phone go off. It was coming from downstairs "Can you get my phone for me?" she smiled

I laughed "I dicked you down good, huh?" I laughed

I got up and put my joggers on tying the strings. I went to the dresser and threw her a tshirt. "While you at it toss me my panties and bra" she laughed

I grabbed them and sling shot them at her. "Bitch" she groaned when it hit her head.

I went downstairs and grabbed her stuff. I carried them back upstairs. When I got to my bedroom I went to the bed and tossed them on the bed next to her. She grabbed her phone and groaned "She be on my ass"

She swiped over and put her phone to her ear while sitting up. I sat down next to her while she was talking who I found out was Kylie. "I'm hanging out with Melo"

"And? Who cares that it's been two hours? Cause I don't"

She rolled her eyes once Kylie started to ramble on about something. I kissed her bare shoulder since the tshirt was too big on her. She pushed me off smiling trying not to laugh. I kissed her shoulder more and trailed to her neck. She gripped onto my hand and then tried to push me away. I kissed her cheek and she smiled more. I pulled away from her and laid down getting on my phone. "Kylie whatever happened between her and Melo, that's them. I have nothing to do with that. She was the one who wouldn't stop ghosting him and shit"

She groaned "Kylie" she said

"Whatever happened with them, is them. Whatever happens between him and I are us. Whatever happened with me and her is us. So overall, y'all need to stay in your place in the situation"

"If she wants to be butt hurt because he got tired of her bs then that's them. I leave it alone. I don't engage in that. So I'm asking y'all to not engage with him and I"

She heard her say something "Yeah, okay. Bye" she said and hanged up

She groaned "Oh my god"

I laughed and she looked back at me and hit me in my stomach "Trying to start shit while I'm on the phone" she laughed

I pulled her to me and she laid her chin on my chest. She traced her finger over my tattoo and I placed my hand on her lower back "Don't hate me" she said

"What?" I asked looking at her

She looked up at me "Can we wait a little bit to make things official?"

I was going to disagree till she cut me off saying "We both got different things going on in our career. You got training and things, I got my album and school. We don't live in the same city. Can we just try to see how it goes for the first few months?"

"Months?" I asked shocked

She laughed a little "You know what I mean. It's only summer, who knows what happens when I start school up again in the fall and you have your season" she shrugged

I signed "Fine" I agreed making her laugh. "But can we at least please do more of that?" I asked

I felt her press her lips against mine "Not until we make things official"

I looked at her "Then I guess I'm getting blue balls." She bust out laughing.

She laid back down on my chest "I don't want to go to this party tonight. I don't think my legs have it in them" I laughed

"Next time I'll go easy"

"That wasn't you going easy?" she laughed

Jennifer grabbed her phone and pulled up her camera. She instantly saw her neck. She gasped sitting up "Melo"

She punched my stomach but not hard enough for it to hurt. "You want us to get in trouble by them"

I sat up and made her face and gave her a kiss "Like I said, I don't care what they think"

She had a small smile "I'm suppose to be mad at your ass" she laughed

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