Atlanta 2.2

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"Okay Jordan last game before we decide if you are Overtime worthy" Larry told me

I laughed "What do you got?"

"It's the simple one. This one truly shows us if you can really play. We want you to just do a around the world threes. In five spots. You have to at least make three or more shots in under 2:30 seconds"

"Okay" I signed

"Now just don't bust your lip, like you did last night" He joked

I faked a laugh. Actually, daddy got upset. He caught me on the phone with my friend past my bedtime. You would think in high school you don't have a bedtime but you do. Plus, me and her were working on a project that was due. But long story short he got upset. That was the fastest I've ever hanged up on someone.

Now my lip busted, side sore, hip still hurts. Been pushing through for this today, but I am so tired, I have no energy left in me. I can't even move too good.

I got to the first spot for the challenge. I started to shoot once the timer started. Every time I shoot I jump a little. So landing hurts my hip even more. When I raise my arm up to shoot and release my side hurts.

After finishing I made a lot. "Okay, each spot have five balls. You made 20 out of 25 shots. I say you are Overtime worthy" he said holding up a Overtime shirt.

I smiled and he handed it to me. "I expect big things for you" he told me

"You will" I smiled

He laughed and gave me a side hug.

He closed out the video. After talking a few daddy came in "Jordan!"

"Shit" I whispered

"I'll catch you later" I said

I basically limped over to daddy. I grabbed my bag "I'm sorry daddy, he had to tell me a few things about being on the team" I said

Daddy did a fake wave to Larry and put his hand on my shoulder "I told your ass to be out those doors by 5:15 so I don't be late for work"

I looked at the time on my phone. It was 5:30 "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to be this long."

"Yeah, well you got me late for work now" he told me.

Warning: This part contains Abuse. If you are not comfortable reading that content then please skip to the next chapter.

If you are someone who suffers through Abuse or knows someone who suffers, please tell a trust adult.

We got in the car and he drove us home. When we got home I walked inside trying to head to my room to avoid him. But he grabbed my backpack on my back and pulled me down the stairs having me fall backwards

Thank god the backpack broke my fall. "You tryna make me lose my job?" he yelled

"N-no sir" I said. I could already feel my eyes well up.

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