LA 4.8

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9:00 pm
"Are you sure you don't need anything before I leave?" I asked Mackenzie who was sitting on the couch while I was buttoning up my shirt.

She let out a small laugh "No Melo, I don't need anything. Can you just go out and have fun. We will be fine" she told me

"I know, but this the first time I am like ever doing something without you. I feel bad that I am going out and you can't" I confessed

She reached out for me to help her stand up. I grabbed both her arms and helped her up. "Melo we are gonna be okay" she smiled

"Plus, we both know that if I wasn't pregnant and I went that we would be leaving in 30 minuets after getting there" she joked. I laughed.

"Who wears a button down like this?" she asked

She started to unbutton the first few buttons on my shirt. "Show your chest tattoo. Makes you look more sexy" she smiled and fixed the shirt

I gave her a smile "So go out, have fun and do not text me" she said and sat down pulling her favorite blanket over her.

"I'm serious Melo, we will be fine. Go out and go forget that you got a pregnant baby momma at home" she said

I laughed and sat down by her "You really trying to get me out this house, huh?"

"As much as I love you, you are so annoying and you stay hovering me." she explained. "Go out and get drunk or something, you're so uptight, get loose" she laughed

"I'm not gonna get drunk" I told her

"Yeah, I figured you would say that" she signed rolling her eyes. "But if you plan on bringing a girl home, text ahead of time so I can go stay over at Kylie's place" I laughed at her comment.

"What?" she asked. "Girl ain't no one bringing someone else here."

"That's the last thing I would do" I told her. She smiled with  small chuckle "Better" she said

We heard the door open meaning Zo and Gelo are here. "Now go have fun" she said

"Melo, lets go" Zo said clapping real hard. 

I stood up "You know he rather stay here" Gelo said

"Trust me we all know that" Mackenzie scoffed

"We will make sure he comes home at a appropriate time" Zo told her

"Nah, keep him for the rest of the night" she laughed.

I laughed a little "So we gonna stand here and make fun of me or are we gonna head out?" I asked. Gelo walked to Mackenzie "How much you wanna bet he gonna come back within the hour" he asked her

"I give him two hours" she told him

"50?" he asked with his hand out "Deal" she said shaking his hand.

"I give him three hours. With the drinks we gonna have for him he will not wanna come home" Zo said

"I like the sound of that" Mackenzie shouted. Zo gave her a high five. "Now leave so I can watch my Marvel movies" she said pushing them away.

"Alright, see you later" I told her

"Byeeee, have fun bi-"

I looked at her and she cut herself off "I'm sorry" she laughed

I rolled my eyes and then headed to the car with Zo and Gelo.

Almost the whole gang was here. Except Hayes because he got the flu. So it was just Zo, Gelo, Ingram and I. We went to club Euphoria. It's been about an hour since we got here and I'm having fun. "Gelo you lost the bet" Zo said pointing to him looking at his phone.

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